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Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer

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  1. #241
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    It's 5 weeks before Turkey Run; Oct 24, 25, & 26. Saturday the 25th is the big day. Registration is free. Here is a link:


    Racing! - Because football, basketball, baseball, and golf require only ONE BALL!

  2. #242
    oldrodder43's Avatar
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    Hey Don-- Any progress on any of the vehicles in your shop?????
    Darn, work gets in the way, don't it? haahaa. But it sure is nice for the cash flow! I been driving a dump (dirt) truck since mid June, low pay, but great guys to work for, by and large! Old High School Friends. Getting me back into the real world and out of my hibernation den! Health is coming along pretty good, knock on wood. Happy Thanksgiving. Check my build, 1929 Essex Highboy in Shop Talk. Perley
    Too old to work, Too poor to quit.

    My build thread. http://www.clubhotrod.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39457

  3. #243
    OFT is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Have you guy's stopped working on hot rods???????????????


  4. #244
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    Don---We still love ya, and we miss ya---and your sons!!! I have kind of backed away from the whole hotrod thing for a while, but I still have my roadster pickup and still use it as my daily driver when its summer time. We all miss your posts.---Brian
    Old guy hot rodder

  5. #245
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    it seems like work has just gotten in the way for them in recent months, but i'll tell you it's been hard to adjust to not scanning for a Don build thread when i come to the board
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  6. #246
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Hey Perley, 35Fordcoupe, Brian, and Earl, thanks for asking. As a matter of fact, we HAVE stopped working on our cars for the past couple of months..........combination of things. Work has gotten in the way for Dan and I, his typical workday is now 9 am to midnight or later (he got in at two this morning) and since I have gone back to work my day is usually 7:30 to 8 or later too. It's the old thing, either you have the time and no money or the money and no time.

    The other thing is that we got a little burned out on building them and needed to take a break. When it stops being fun it is time to get away for a while and recharge the batteries until the desire comes back. Finally, Dan and I are in the process of moving. We have been maintaining two apartments for the past 4 months because we haven't had the time or energy to fully move everything to the new place...........we're thinking of keeping the one apartment just for the cats because the new place sure is nice and clean without them messing everything up. With the economy the way it is, frankly I am a little afraid to spend any more money until I replenish my savings.........you never know what the future is going to be and I don't want to take any chances.

    We were kind of holding off until after Turkey Run to start again on the cars. Dans is sooooooo close, all the major fabrication is done and we just need to prep and paint his frame before we can start bolting the shiny stuff on. He bought some parts at Daytona like a SoCal dash insert and other parts, and I bought a red metalflake steering wheel and SoCal headlight stands for the Dodge, and a dual carb setup for the T. We should be done moving this week and plan to get back on this stuff maybe as early as next week.

    Don is sort of in a holding pattern too with the T bird he bought. He too works a full time job then plays 5-6 nights a week in a band, so his time is pretty limited. Not sure how he keeps up that pace, but he has done it for the past several years.

    So, that is where we are today. Thanks again for wondering about us.......we are still alive, just dead tired.


    PS, I just realized my post is kinda like those annual Christmas letters your relatives send out and everybody hates.............."Johny got an A in History this month and Fluffy the Dog has had indigestion." LOL
    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 12-06-2008 at 08:32 AM.

  7. #247
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    Don---I know what it is to burn out, and I know that life gets in your way. I also know there isn't a damn thing you can do about it till the desire returns, on its own. You can't force it.--However---Hotrodding is like Herpes---It clears up for a while, but it always comes back!!!
    Old guy hot rodder

  8. #248
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    I like your analogy brian, ill have to borrow that one from ya. Im glad im not the only one who has burned out on the projects! Looks like were all feeling about the same.

    Brian, hows the lathe working for ya? Any cool toys made?

  9. #249
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    Hotroddaddy--All kinds of really neat stuff!!! About 2 months after I bought the lathe, I went out and bought a vertical milling machine, then a metal cutting bandsaw. I have been building working model steam engines and things to run with them to the point where I am now doing my "How to" build posts over on the "Home Model Engine Machinist" website. I am also going to have an article published in "Home Shop Machinist" magazine, running a full set of engineering drawings for a beam type steam engine that I designed.---Brian
    Last edited by brianrupnow; 12-06-2008 at 10:58 AM.
    Old guy hot rodder

  10. #250
    stovens's Avatar
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    Brian your right! I found out this morning my wife has been salting my food with antibiotics! But I'm on to her now and am sure the hot rod bug will return even stronger than before now that I'm wise to the bug thing!
    Actually like Don the body work this summer burned me out for a while, then the money thing with the new engine made me take a break and start saving for the motor to be dropped in. So for now it's work, work work, but hopefully in January Project Sp. K will come to life again!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  11. #251
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    That's really cool Brian, I clicked on the picture and it came to life! Very nice work. Where the heck did you find a slinky???? Didn't know they still made them.


  12. #252
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Good stuff Brian!! You are very talented.

  13. #253
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    Like the old joke goes---"If I'm so damn talented, why ain't I rich!!!"
    Old guy hot rodder

  14. #254
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    You only get to pick one. You can be either talented, rich, or good looking. Somehow, I missed out on any of the above.


  15. #255
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    You only get to pick one. You can be either talented, rich, or good looking. Somehow, I missed out on any of the above.

    You and me both Don!

    All it takes Brian is a million dollar invention! I know you have the ability to design and make a product that the world wants.

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