Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer
01-27-2009 02:42 PM #301
It's a brand new housing from Moser, so it just needed a few rough spots dressed up. Made it nice to work with. Can't wait to see this stuff come back.
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01-27-2009 02:57 PM #302
01-27-2009 06:07 PM #303
No, we both were too tired after work to stop at the shop..........first part of the week is a bear at work. We are going to try to make it tomorrow night.
01-27-2009 06:36 PM #304
sanding the Epo strong I like to start with 80 grit, apply light-medium pressure with your DA sander.
wear thick blue jeans, so you can clean your sand paper, as the Epo strong likes to clog sand paper.
most of all, be patient, and take your time, if your just trying to rush thru, it will turn out like crap.
I usually go 80 grit, 120, 240, 400 with DA, then 400 by hand with a blockCustom Powder Coating & Media Blasting
01-27-2009 07:39 PM #305
Good tips, thanks. I'll tell you, it is some pretty strong stuff and adheres like mad. We had a couple of drips that we wanted to remove after they had set up for a day, they were stuck like glue and took some real effort to remove.
Should have no problem sticking to the bare frame.
02-04-2009 02:48 PM #306
It's been about 10 days since we got Dan's frame back from being sandblasted, and the next step was to apply the Tiger Drylac filler, let it cure, and then sand it down until all the imperfections were minimized. We got the stuff on ok, and let it cure a few days, then started to sand it off. I would like to say that it sands off like butter, but I would be lying. It is a b**** to sand. I have sanded tougher stuff, but it is nowhere as easy as regular filler. We spent about 2 hours on it and got about 1 foot done and used up 6 DA sandpaper discs, so we decided to go another route. We cheated and took it to the bodyshop that painted my T and Don's T and told them to do it for us.
We dropped it off last Wednesday, and they said we could pick it up on Friday. We didn't care how much it cost, we just wanted it done, and we didn't want to do any more on it ourselves. Friday came and went, and on Monday I called them. They said they were still working on it and would have it done maybe that day. Finally, on Tuesday I went by and they told me we could take it home.
The bodyman who actually did the work asked me what the h*** that filler was. He used up a whole box of discs and longboard paper and two days work. He said he thought he would never get it done. But it did come out nice. When we got it back to the shop Dan and I spent 6 hours more hand sanding and DA-ing it even smoother, and I have to say it came out nice. Dan dropped it off at the powder coater this morning. His other stuff is still not done getting coated, so we hope we get some stuff back before the weekend so we can continue putting parts together. He placed an order with Stainless Specialities for enough grade 9 polished stainless bolts to put the whole thing together.
Here are a couple of pictures of the frame all ready to go to the powder coater. You can see the filler where it is sanded down. Maybe in a week or two we can have this thing up on wheels for the first time.
DonLast edited by Itoldyouso; 02-04-2009 at 02:51 PM.
02-04-2009 03:21 PM #307
WOW, getting exciting now guys! Glad for you, but not for the sanding part.UGH. That must be nutz. Not much happening here, just biding my time until we get warmer weather and I can get out into the garage again. Been playing model trains meantime, nice and warm in the basement train room. Good to see your progress. Perley
Too old to work, Too poor to quit.
My build thread.
02-04-2009 05:13 PM #308
Look's slick can't wait to see it powder coated.
BradCSome days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !
02-04-2009 06:57 PM #309
Looking good Don ..... I'm sure your antzy to get it back & start the "building" process.
I looked at my car today ......... progress soon.
Ratty 46
02-04-2009 07:32 PM #310
Thanks guys.
Perley, we are getting a taste of your weather here lately, and tonight is supposed to be the coldest, down in the 20's they say.Only thing I can say is it was a lot more pleasant last night sanding that frame and not sweating back into the clean metal. Otherwise, you can keep cold weather.
Brad, I'm more excited than Dan, I think. This is going to be the thing that FINALLY puts this car over the top as far as finishing it. Up until now it has been fabrication, fabrication, fabrication. When it comes home we can actually start putting it together for the very last time. We are going to pickup a length of carpet remnant this week, big enough so we can assemble the entire car on it without scratching the pretty stuff.
Ratty, yeah Paul, been wondering what you have been up to. Did those new wheels show up yet?
02-04-2009 07:56 PM #311
Wheels arrived & they are better than I figured they would have been. I've just ordered my front brakes & coil overs & only need a few things to really start the build back process. I hope I can closely match what you guys have done.
02-04-2009 08:01 PM #312
You know Paul, I have all these neat 46 Ford parts sitting around, and I bet you are too busy to build this car, so maybe it might fit on my trailer and.................................(sorry, I'm an incurable mooch
Glad you are going to get back on it. Post up some pictures when you do.
02-05-2009 12:47 AM #313
Don, Dan's frame looks great. It's funny in the bare metal photos it looked perfect, but with the filler you can see the low spots because of the color difference. It must be reassuring how hard it was that filler didn't want to come off. You'll know it will stand up to just about anything after powder coating is done!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
02-05-2009 07:31 PM #314
I know it's only thursday, but any word yet on the frame. (acting like a kid in a candy store)lol
BradCSome days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !
02-06-2009 04:49 AM #315
Hehe, I'm the same way, I even stopped by yesterday to check on it and the frame was hanging sideways on a big rack, ready to roll into the booth. Dan was having a hard time making them understand that it didn't need blasted again, and I wanted to make sure they didn't screw up and do that. They didn't blast it and were taping off the holes when I got there. I told them that we were going to retap all the holes anyway, so let the coating go right down into them.
They said it might be done today (Friday) and when I asked about all the other parts they said all of them were in the oven right now, letting the final clear coat cook. So it looks like we might be able to get everything today, or at least all of the small parts.
Have to pick up a piece of carpeting to pad the trailer with, so that will give me an excuse to stop by and maybe be able to get some of the parts out of their way. Dan plays tomorrow, but if all goes well Sunday we can start bolting this thing together.
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