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Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer

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  1. #391
    stovens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Blue View Post
    That is a bummer for sure and boy does it remind me of the troubles I had with my T when I got it on the road. I had to constantly remind myself that this is a hobby and the car did not have to get me to work in the morning (been there too) Eventually as we all know, these problems iron themselves out and you are driving around town with the "wind in your hair" or in my case lately "wind in my scalp" I forgot my camera Sunday, but the show was in Port Charlotte at the fairgrounds. There were at least 300 cars there (including a very nice Plymouth Superbird, Wow) so to get a trophy is cool! There were three sizes, small medium and large. I ended up with a medium trophy, but hey it is good to be recognized. I enclosed a pic. of all the trophys so far (purple trophy in the middle was from Sunday) Keep your head up Dan!
    Don Jr. - Nice collection your starting!
    Don - Black is the perfect color for your low set T. If you painted it Blue and gold, you'd have to become a Cal Bears fan!
    Last edited by stovens; 02-25-2009 at 11:52 AM.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  2. #392
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    Its like the trophy "starter kit" dont get any adeas pop with the blue paint! (Must hide that leftover grabber blue paint in the shop) There have not been very many "beachbunnies" in my blue t. My girlfriend is italian and would kill me and the bunny! (fugetaboutit) Don Jr.
    Don Jr.
    "Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"

  3. #393
    stovens's Avatar
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    You could always have your girlfriend pose in it!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  4. #394
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    I agree with Stovens, let's see if Don jr can get her to pose for us...........LOL
    Some days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !

  5. #395
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    OK...........You guilted me into it. Here is a picture of her (not in front of my car though, I will keep looking for a good shot of that) Enjoy!
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    Don Jr.
    "Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"

  6. #396
    stovens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Blue View Post
    OK...........You guilted me into it. Here is a picture of her (not in front of my car though, I will keep looking for a good shot of that) Enjoy!
    Gee Didn't she star in Bay Watch?
    We need our photo shop guys to put her in your T!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  7. #397
    stovens's Avatar
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    Well this has been buging me for a couple of years(trying to remember how to crop one picture into another), so Don you inspired me to do a hack job using windows paint. Not the best but it was fun.
    Here's your bikini car babe(had to search all over this site for a picture of the blue T)
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  8. #398
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    I guess dad hasn't had time to teach his son how to pick up real bikini clad babes. It's a skill worth teaching if you want to share the wealth.
    Dad maybe mad he's not getting the trophys, but the trophy girls.
    Some days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !

  9. #399
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Don. I've told you over and over again............STOP POSTING PICTURES OF MOM ON THE INTERNET!! Now everyone will see why I left her.


    (I've got about 4 jokes here, and I can't use a d*** one of them!!)
    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 02-26-2009 at 02:46 PM.

  10. #400
    stovens's Avatar
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    That's a good one Don!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  11. #401
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    Actually, she left me. Something about some drummer in some little rock band.


  12. #402
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    Ah the tattoo type that shoots home videos! Maybe we should photoshop her into the Black T just for old time sake!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  13. #403
    STREETWERKZ's Avatar
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    The night we talked about your problems with the powder, I have to say it just made me, and my wife SICK!
    As someone who has been screwed by a powder coater, then becoming a powder coater and fixing my own screw ups, I know first hand that both suck big time.

    I think there is nothing worse than looking at a customer and trying to fix a problem, as a former customer (of powder coating) that has delt with b.s. I know how the customer feels, our old powder coater would do our parts when he felt like it, poor quality, to top it off he did not really even care.

    So we sold a few cars (We started off as a fiberglass car dealer/builder) and bought a Powder coating set up strictly to handle items for our products. Next thing you know we have a few successes, word of mouth, and 5 yr's later we have a nice small powder coating company, and enjoy helping people realize their dreams, even if we are now just a small part of that.

    I really wish you guys were in Ohio, you are like a dream customer, you followed all the advice I shared, and did a wonderful job of filling, and sanding everything by the looks of the pictures.
    I really hate to hear of someone having a bad experience with powder, when done correctly it look beautiful, same as painting (just a little harder to work with in terms of body work.... as you know)

    Didn't mean to go on, and on... I'm a blabber mouth sometimes

    Ultimately I am sorry to hear about your bad experience, and hope you get her fixed, and on the road soon!!!

    Custom Powder Coating & Media Blasting

  14. #404
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    Yeah, I wish your shop were closer too. Well at least the frame is back from the shop and they did a great job of sandblasting all the powder coating off. That things been blasted so many times it should be getting smoother and smoother.

    I think we are going to the shop today and DA it and get it ready to deliver to the body shop for paint. We can also start evaluating what parts need taken back for complete stripping and which ones we can simply peel and blow the clear off of. Dan fooled around with a couple of parts the other night and got the clear off, the black actually looks pretty good under it. What surprised me was how thick the clear it, the stuff looks just about like shrink wrap new items come packed in. Is it supposed to be that thick?

    On thing that will have to come apart for complete blasting is the rear end assembly. For one thing they masked off too big a section where the pumpkin goes and some bare metal shows, so it looks like we will be pulling that thing apart today too. We had a sandblaster in at work the other day doing a boat bottom and I told him we were having powder coating blasted back off. He said he doesn't envy the guy doing it, takes a lot of time and concentrated blasting to break through. Hope the powder coater remembers this the next time and doesn't ever want to go through it again.


  15. #405
    STREETWERKZ's Avatar
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    yeah, powder clear build usually about 2-4 mils thick (closer to 2 mils is better), which is great when it adheres to the base coat, as it has a deep European luster, it's great!
    Yeah, I have a empty 3rd member we use to mask ford rears, works great to eliminate poor masking.
    Sadly I have learned some of these lessons the coater you used the same way, fortunately not at the magnitude they did.
    Yes we media clean, and blasting powder SUCKS!!!!

    Custom Powder Coating & Media Blasting

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