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Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer

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  1. #466
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks Steve. No, ever since Scooter passed away Sniffy has been moved to our home. It didn't seem fair to leave her at the shop without a companion, so at home she has the other 3 to keep her company. She's 16 or 17, so I figure she can live out the rest of her life mooching food from me at dinnertime.


  2. #467
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Hooray! Visible progress! Dan has got to be breathing big sighs of relief after all you guys have been through with his frame recently. Can't wait to see this one finally come together...

    I have a question for you, though, Don. When you were building the Dodge truck it was pretty easy to tell which one you would drive - the roadster in warm weather; the pickup when it's cool or wet out and you need to be enclosed. However, with two roadsters how will you decide which one to drive?

    Racing! - Because football, basketball, baseball, and golf require only ONE BALL!

  3. #468
    OFT is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    They both are looking good. Dan's frame is much better than even a lot of the"pro" builts one's I've seen over the years. Is there a Detroit or "Oakland" in the future?


  4. #469
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    Sure glad things are going smoother this time around for Dan. Yours looks great!

  5. #470
    stovens's Avatar
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    You know Don looking back on the last picture you posted, the front has an old radial engine fighter plane look. With the chrome valve covers peeking over the cowl at 45 degree angles, and the chrome bell intake straight up! Very cool for symetry alone.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  6. #471
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone.

    Jim: I thought the same thing........which roadster to drive? It will be worse if and when I ever get around to finally finishing the rebuild of my 27 roadster. But then I remembered Ken Thurm............he has like 20 or 30 roadsters and seems to have no problem figuring out which one to use. And he keeps adding to the stable. (he's my hero )

    Earl: The Kids and I have talked a bunch of times about how hard it must be to build and prep a car for something like Oakland or the Ridler. I mean, EVERY car has flaws, EVERY ONE. It is one thing to build a nice car, even if it's a trailer queen, but man, it must be insane to build one where a speck in the paint is cause to want to hang yourself. No, my hat is off to those who have that kind of dedication.

    Ken: Thanks. Yep, the mood has been MUCH better around the house the last week or so. It is actually fun putting stuff on the frame this time, the holes just need a touch of the dremel to get bolts in, and everything has been prebuilt once before, so we know how it all goes. We were still sweeping up bits of plastic clear coating in the shop yesterday. It must be akin to giving birth..............all that pain is forgotten once the end product is sitting in front of you.

    Steve: I kinda thought the same thing. I like the water pump pulley exposed like that. Now if I could mount strobe lights on it so when it spins............

    I got Dans pistons and other parts ordered today. I checked around and found the best price was Summit. The prices ranged from $ 43.95 per piston to $ 67.95 per piston, with Summit at the lowest end, and this was for exactly the same forged L2323F30 everyone else had. They were out of stock but are drop shipping them from the factory to me. I guess Summit really can be cheaper than the so called discount houses. I called the machine shop and probably Wednesday we will take the block and other pistons back for him to do his thing.

    We would love to fire the engine by this time next month, but first the motor and transmission have to be assembled, painted and installed, and a driveshaft ordered. I think we are going to use Denny's Driveline for the driveshaft. I have one under my 27 and it is based on new tubing and comes all powdercoated and stuff like that. Once Dan hears that engine fire up it should really start to become real for him.

    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 04-13-2009 at 02:59 PM.

  7. #472
    BradC's Avatar
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    Looking fantastic Don, I was hoping you would post something soon I was having withdrawls.
    You will have to make a convertable top for the RPU ( not enough hair on top will sun burn)...........LOL
    Some days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !

  8. #473
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Funny you should mention that Brad, Dan has a top bow kit he bought for it, but I didn't get that with the free package. He is keeping it for the new body, but I may buy one and put a top on it anyway. I have doors on this car, so I can easily climb in under a top.

    Here is the mock up we did when Dan owned this body, I think the lines make the car a little better looking.

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  9. #474
    OFT is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Don, I like the RPU with the top. It does give it a "clean" look. For some reason I have always liked the RPU with the top on rather than off.

    I know what you mean on THE car shows. I wired up the Joe Nitti roadster (took Bruce Myer award) number of years ago. All cloth wires and layed out in the same manner shown in 1950 photo's. Took awhile. My only claim to fame when it was a "milestone" car in Street Rodder and my name was in print.

    Last edited by OFT; 04-13-2009 at 07:23 PM.

  10. #475
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Did you really, Earl? That's very cool. The Nitti roadster was one of my all time favorites, as it is for most people. Just in case anyone doesn't know about that car, here are some shots.

    One thing I like about these forums is that you get to rub elbows with people who have done great stuff, like you doing that wiring.

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  11. #476
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    Funny you should mention that Brad, Dan has a top bow kit he bought for it, but I didn't get that with the free package. He is keeping it for the new body, but I may buy one and put a top on it anyway. I have doors on this car, so I can easily climb in under a top.

    Here is the mock up we did when Dan owned this body, I think the lines make the car a little better looking.

    Is that one of the Kwik Top kits? I haven't used one yet, but they seem to be gaining in popularity. Best deal I've seen so far on them is from Gearhead, http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1928-...Q5fAccessories
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  12. #477
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    It might be Bob, I think he said it was Australian or something like that. I'll have to ask him.

    Bob, in case you missed my question, where are you now on this little roadster? I like the look of it.

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  13. #478
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Yeah, the Kwik Top is Australian, probably the same one. Let me know what you think of it.

    Sorry if I missed your question. The '28 is just in mock up stage. It's not a primary project, just work on it when I have some extra time or inspiration. Last thing I did was fit up the engine and trans, fabbed some mounts, long way to go yet.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  14. #479
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Bob, I asked Dan, it is a Kwik Top. He said it seems fine in the mockup we have done so far, and we ran into a guy with a 32 at a show who had one and he like it and it looked good. On that basis I would think they were ok, and the price isn't horrible.

    Isn't it a ***** when you have so many project cars you have to make time to work on one or another? Your little roadster is going to be very cool when you get it running.


  15. #480
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    WOW ...... based on your progress Don .... I feel like I'm going backwards!!!

    I've been searching for tires & trying to bend up some tube to finish the frame.

    Keep us posted.

    Ratty 46 aka/ Paul

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