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Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer

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  1. #586
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Got quite a bit done last night, like running the plug wires (that took a while as we had to figure a way to make them as neat as possible and still use straight boots on the plug end. Olds plugs sit deep and the 90 degree ones wouldn't clear the heads) Dan didn't care for the MSD printing all over the wires, so he used laquer thinner and made them look old timey. Polished a bunch more brass fittings and got those installed, and started bolting down the carbs for the (hopefully) last time.

    Have to run out today and pick up some odds and ends of brass fittings for the fuel system, and make up a PCV setup. We are trying to fire it up by the end of the day today. Had to get the driveshaft remade, the first one was 1 inch too short, but the shop jumped right on it and corrected their mistake. Put the new one in and it fits good now.

    We are running Rotella T oil because it is supposed to have a high load of zinc in it, plus we added Comp Cams break in additive. I always worry about flat tappet cam break in, but we have so much assembly and cam lube plus the other additives that we should be ok. Have to hook up some gauges like oil pressure, temp, and a tach so we can bring it up to 2000 or so for a half hour. I told Dan we are going to pick up some ear plugs because this baby should be a little loud.


  2. #587
    stovens's Avatar
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    Don I did the same thing when I got my engine together. I was excited and had forgot to put the oil ascending unit in. Ditto on the mess. Felt like a Texas tycoon striking it rich with a gusher!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  3. #588
    OFT is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Don't forget the vid' with sound.
    The chassis is outstanding looking!!!!!! I vote for a "big" show for the unveilling of complete project. What is Dan's thinking for the car's unveilling?


  4. #589
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    I have one very happy Son right now................we got his hot rod running last night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took us about 7 hours of hooking up stuff, and of course Dan had to build a panel to hold the tach, oil pressure, and temp gauges, plus some switches for the fuel pump and fan , , but at about midnight we turned the key for the first time. It fired right off, and after retightening a couple of fuel leaks on the 3 carb fittings we got it up to 2000 rpms and broke it in for a half hour. We did it in 5 -10 minute segments, and once we were fairly confident we had enough time on it we dropped the rpms to about 800-900 because I knew Dan was worried that it wouldn't have a cammed up idle like his Brothers car. I don't think he had ANY worries, it sounds GREAT!!

    Here are a couple of YouTube videos he did last night (I guess he was still wired and had some energy when we got in at 4PM) The first one is with the baffles in the headers and the second one is wide open...........not a whole lot of difference. Crank up your speakers for the full effect.




  5. #590
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    It sounds sweet and there wasn't much difference in the sound but I bet you had to be there to notice the difference. Congrats to you and your sons.
    Ken Thomas
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  6. #591
    stovens's Avatar
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    Wow way to go Dan and Don. This one has been a long time coming. Looks and sounds great!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  7. #592
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Yes. it has been a long road for him on this one, and I am so happy to see him at this stage. We stopped on the way to the shop last night and bought a 6 pack for the anticipated victory toast, I would have gotten Champagne, but I don't think he would have let me break the bottle over the bow.

    Anyone who has been down this road knows how the long hours and sinking every spare dollar you have into it gets old after a while. Dan has put many, many long nights in building this one, often coming in at daybreak after putting in all nighters. He is going to have a cool little rod here, and all the hard work is going to be forgotten when he takes that first ride. If he would have had steering and brakes last night I think he might have sat on a milk crate and tried it right there and then.


  8. #593
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    If he would have had steering and brakes last night I think he might have sat on a milk crate and tried it right there and then.

    Kind of like this guy! That would be fun! We used to have milk crate seats in our runabout. Everytime it would run out of gas on a full plane we'd all go flying fowards!
    Last edited by stovens; 05-24-2009 at 04:33 PM.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  9. #594
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    That's great, sounds really good! I wonder if he had a hard time getting to sleep, between exhaustion and excitement?

  10. #595
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    Sound's fantastic with or without the baffles.
    Some days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !

  11. #596
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    Thanks Guys. Yep Ken, I haven't seen Dan that wired for a while. Don and I are just so happy for him to get over this hurdle. All the serious fabrication and grinding are done, the car runs, so now it is just a matter of stuff like brake lines, wires, fuel system, and then getting it painted and upholstered.

    Brad, the baffles didn't do a whole lot to muffle it. Maybe once we are out of the shop it will sound different, but for now stuff keeps falling off the shelves in the shop. We even went out and bought some earplugs before firing it up, and I had them in the whole time, and needed them.

    Tonight Don, his GF Taylor, and I went to a little cruise, and Don got to start Dans car and listen to it. Between Don's X cam and Dans cam I am feeling pretty inferior. Might have to order a little hotter cam for the old T so I can go cruising with these two.

    When we pulled out onto the highway tonight Don punched his T and I was behind him. I kicked mine, and when it went into second the rear tires lit up and I went completely sideways. Ended up using all three lanes before I came to a stop. Got the old heart rate up a little. Won't be doing that one again for a while.


  12. #597
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    After watching those videos Don, I am very worried about the punishment those skinny tires in back are going to take. ;-)

    Pride Runs Deep

  13. #598
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rickomatic View Post
    After watching those videos Don, I am very worried about the punishment those skinny tires in back are going to take. ;-)

    So, I guess "PINKS" is out? Yep, I think you are right. Good thing Dan has a light right foot.


  14. #599
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    Don, I'm starved for some update................LOL
    Some days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !

  15. #600
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Brad, haven't had much real stuff to post about, but this past weekend we got a lot done. The body hasn't been back on the frame since we had it powdercoated, so we needed to do that to make sure everything still clears and also to plan our next step. After 2 hours of Dan padding the frame with everything he could lay his hands on () we got the body put back in place. He was soooooooooo worried about scratching anything, but it went fine.

    We also put the bed back on, as well as the framework for the top. He went with a Kwik-top frame, but didn't like the way the one support bar protruded down into the window area, so he modified it to only have one bar on the side instead of two. He won't be ever folding the top down, so it doesn't serve any purpose. Looks much cleaner this way.

    I also got some stuff done on my rpu. I always liked the off white suspension and engine on Bo Huffs T coupe, so I am doing this one the same color. I found a fleet color in Imron and shot the motor and transmission over the weekend. It photographs whiter than it is, and to me it looks pretty old timey. I am doing the complete front end, brakes, rear end, steering, engine and transmission in this color, and the rest will be black. For the body I am going to brush paint it black to match the original color, and then "age" it with a scotchbrite pad. I want it to look like this car has been around for a while.

    Here are some pictures of where Dan ended up and also of my motor and transmission.

    Thanks for asking Brad.

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