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Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer

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  1. #601
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    Don---I'm glad you finally posted!! I've been checking every day, and I thought maybe you guys all had the swine flue or something. The rpu looks great. I hope your white engine doesn't have as many oil leaks as mine does after 5 years.----Brian
    Old guy hot rodder

  2. #602
    BradC's Avatar
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    Don, I'm real interested in that top. I like the color choice on your engine and trans, except it's going to show every leak...........LOL
    Some days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !

  3. #603
    REGs's Avatar
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    Sweet ........ looking good.

    ratty 46

  4. #604
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Hopefully, no leaks. Brian, you know how it goes, you do lots of things but nothing worth posting. We've been doing those little things like fuel and brake lines that aren't worth mentioning.

    Hey Paul, are you coming down to Orlando for the Billetproof drags in Oct? You might get to see me make a pass or two. I suspect the whole gang will be there, Gastrick, JRobinson, Hotroddaddy, and more.


    Oh, Brad, about the top frame. Bob Parmenter had asked about it too a while back, whether or not we liked it. It is a Kwik Top, I think made in Australia. Speedway sells them. Really not a bad piece, pretty basic but made well. The reason we modified it is because Dan's windshield is chopped 2 inches and the frame has two bars running down the sides in a V pattern laid on it's side. The lower bar comes a little low and would have necessitated making the canvas covering to come down low on the rear portion of the window to hide it. Dan wanted it straight across, so he cut it up and did it non folding. If he ever wants to take the top off it will be like a Carson top, lift off style.
    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 06-29-2009 at 02:55 PM.

  5. #605
    STREETWERKZ's Avatar
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    super nice, can't wait to see it all together
    Custom Powder Coating & Media Blasting

  6. #606
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    Looks really nice, he is getting close. So are all the brakes and fuel plumbed?
    Have you done anymore on your truck, or have I missed that post? Ive been gone a lot.

  7. #607
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks Josh. Yep, he's getting closer, all he has now is bodywork and paint, some upholstery, wiring, and that kind of stuff. We have 4 months till Daytona, so we are keeping our fingers crossed.

    Ken, thanks. Most of the brake lines are done, and also most of the fuel system. He had ordered a stainless tank from Tanks, but we had to send it back. It was already starting to rust in spots and had dents in it. He ended up going with a dune buggy type tank he bought originally, and it looks fine in there. He also got his fuel pump, filter, and regulator installed too. With the body on temporarily he can finish plumbing the brake system that goes to the underdash master cylinder.

    As for my rpu, I have made some progress too. I try to fit it in when it won't take time from working on his car because he tends to wander over to my part of the shop and starts helping me. He always says "here, it will just take a couple minutes for me to cut or grind this for you" but then it ends up that he does most of the work. I have to keep chasing him away. Next thing I have to do is cut the remaining brackets off of the frame to make way for the new ones to hold the motor and transmission. Then I can get him to finish the welding on it so I can either paint or powdercoat it.

    I really have very little to do on mine since I am not shooting for a really finished look on this one. I want it to look like something I would have built in the 60's. Actually pretty much a clone of one I DID build in the 60's. Never got that one licensed and inspected because of Pennsylvania's restrictive laws, but this will be somewhat of a clone of that car.


  8. #608
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Oh, here is a picture of the tank and stuff he got mounted for the fuel system.

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  9. #609
    stovens's Avatar
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    Don, it looks great. I wish I had more to post, but the fuel lines are it for now! It seems my other responsibilities are taking over(House and yard!).I'm glad your getting stuff done on your truck as well, hopefully you guys have slowed the pace a little, to make the process a little more fun! Watching Dan's build through your eyes has been a pleasure. I hope the days of disappointment are fading away, as the end is in sight. I don't remember what his plans were for the body paint? Whatever he chooses will be well thought out and look great! Keep posting, even the little stuff, which helps people like me just entering into the hobby!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  10. #610
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks Steve. Color depends on what day of the week it is. Some days he thinks dark blue, some days red, some days cream, etc. Like most of us, he won't know until he walks into the paint store and commits to one and pays for it.

    (I'm voting for Viper Red )


  11. #611
    rumrumm's Avatar
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    Red would look pretty cool. Two votes for red!!

    '32 3W

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  12. #612
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I would like a darker color like the metallic maroon he was talking about at one point or the dark blue would be nice and black always looks good especially with all the shiney parts and a white top!
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  13. #613
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have to chime in here - as much as red is my favorite color, it doesn't always look good on a small car. Wander around a car show and really take a look at the roadsters. IMO, red - red like the Porsche Guards Red is great on a full fendered coupe/sedan. But of course, it's only an opinion (mine, that is). Now, a deep burgundy or something like Ford had in the '90s with their Electric Current Red seen on 'Birds and Lincolns especially. My 'bucket was that color.......
    Dave W
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  14. #614
    36tudoor's Avatar
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    How about Black Cherry for the color? I'm sure it'll look good no matter what color it is.

  15. #615
    stovens's Avatar
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    Well since I opened Pandora's box and asked the color question, A really dark purple would be cool too!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

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