I just found out that my 32' Salt Rod just made it in this months HOTROD Magazine ( pg72) they are mentioning that we set 3 world records in the our 4 cyl Gas record ( Passes at over 200 mph) . We used a dodge srt-4 turbo motor
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I just found out that my 32' Salt Rod just made it in this months HOTROD Magazine ( pg72) they are mentioning that we set 3 world records in the our 4 cyl Gas record ( Passes at over 200 mph) . We used a dodge srt-4 turbo motor
Sounds like a very cool ride... I will check it out first chance I get... You should post some larger photos in your gallery when you get a chance...
Nice Roadster!!!
Dave Brisco
So you dont turn a wrench on your car. You dont build your own motor. Do you do anything other than write a check and drive?
Sorry, I went to the link and the photos are much bigger there... That is one cool ride, I love the color scheme...
Dave Brisco
Yeah Suedplymouth, sounds like he is pretty limited, sorta like John Force. Just writes a check and drives. And gives a few other hotrodders the chance to do what they love to do.
Racedeck that's a sweet ride and a great race team. You have a right to be proud.
I have more respect for a working kid who builds himself a ratrod than a guy who just writes checks and conveniantly rounds up his top end times.
SuedePlymouth and Stu Cool:
First of all, I am absolutely involved and hands on, ....Do I know how to build a 789 144ci ? No ( and there are not too many people in the world who do!) but I am not writing any checks! This is a sponsored car and to get a 32' barn door down the salt at over 200mph takes more than 1 expert and/or wrench, If you believe that anyone out on the salt who is anywhere near setting a land speed record does "everything" himself , you are soooo fooled! ....My "TEAM" consists of people who are my friends....Which means that we are all in this togehter having a great time doing what we love to do....being on the salt!
On my street hotrod ( 64 Impala SS BB396) I do everything, and enjoy doing it...
YA.....What he said !
Hey what kind of deal can I get on a 10 foot by 20 foot racedeck
floor for my 32 Ford BigGuy ?
Jorgen, if you plan to stick around here you'll probably find the "Ignore this member" feature usefull. Pat can defend himself, but I think I see a little sarcasm there.
Oh, and BTW, shame on you for working to be successful and having the gall to decide how to utilize YOUR time and resources in a manner that fits your life!;)
Hey Bob:
Nice to hear from you....No worry I recently had my chest coated in Teflon down at HPC:LOL: :LOL: Over the years I have built and restored a many a car...but when it comes to strapping my A$$ in a barn door that can go 200mph, I am not foolish enough to not ask for some help from my friends in this industry who are at the top of thier game.
Call me direct at my office 800-457-0174 and I will set you up with a floor at a discounted price ( ClubHotrod deal)
Racedeck, i hear ya. Im in the same boat. It's not that i don't know what im doing, i just don't have the time anymore. when i was younger my friends and i would meet on the weekends in my garage and build our rods, now that buisness and family take up most my time, and i have the money that i need to explore my hobby further you bet im going to enjoy it, why do you think i work so hard?. I get alot of nay sayers saying the same crap that i just right checks. Im involved with the design, the driveline choices, upolstery, paint, etc etc. Just becouse im not actually on the wrenches dosent mean im not involved. I used to be envious of people lke me when i was young, but now im one of them. Do i deserve it............YOU BET!!. If there's guys out there that are jealous, screw em!!
Diamond: I am with you...besides it is not like we are driving around in our Porsche Boxster driving to the golf course:LOL:
I too as a kid did nothing but hang in the garage...My first car was a 55 chevy that I dropped a big block in ( I am "only"40:whacked: ) and spent every last cent I had in that car- they were great times...So, now I am in a business that demands a huge amount of my time, but I figured out how to still be involved with what I love...cars, hotrods and racing. I work really hard and I play hard...We only get 1 turn on this ride, so make it count!
Racedeck: im also 40, when i was young i put myself through collage by going to auctions and picking up the old muscle cars that nobody wanted, fixed them up and sold them out of my back yard, with the help of my friends. Some i kept for awhile, others i bought to sell, learned lots and had alot of fun, stayed out of trouble to. Now i travel alot looking after my investments and i want to enjoy my time off. Really looking forward to attending my first Hotrod Power Tour this summer, hope to meet some CHR critters, tring to free some time up this year to get to more events, it was'nt until recently that i was able to find some time so let the good times roll!!
racedeck , i saw the car at SEMA i was impresed.
this is my first week on this site , it was recomended to me by dangeroustoy but,
i am very suprised at the negative pepole on this site .
keep up the good work on the barndoor.
Kennyd- As Bob said....Do not take to seriously those who throw out negative 'assumptions',,,, As you can see from the above threads, there are plenty of members who share the same passion for HotRods, regardless if you are successful or not in your chosen profession.....
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RaceDeck
If you believe that anyone out on the salt who is anywhere near setting a land speed record does "everything" himself , you are soooo fooled! ....
So all those old timers out setting records at the flats were all fools?
Quote>"So all those old timers out setting records at the flats were all fools?"
No! all of those "old timers" worked in thier garages with their local HotRod buddies, swapped parts, shared beers, and most importantly shared their stories & experiences ( a group /"team" effort)....A number of my friends who helped out on our SaltRod have been out on the salt since 1955 and hold many many records....None of them are FOOLISH enought to believe that they know everything and go solo, even after 50 years....BTW, have you ever been to the salt?
As far as who I think is a Fool? Guess:3dSMILE:
Congratulations on your new records and the recognition you received in HotRod!
I haven’t gotten to spend much time recently on CHR, but it is disheartening for me to drop in for a visit and see someone trying to rain on a parade... First of all, it looks to me like you took on a formidable challenge in trying to set a new record – then succeeded! I’ll bet there’s a long line of folks ahead of you that worked very hard in setting the previous records, “raising the bar” for the next challenger. Those that have come before you will probably give you due respect and can appreciate your accomplishments.
Isn’t it a shame that some people feel comfortable with their “limited greatness”, most of which is measured against low standards. Don’t worry about your record being threatened by one of these folks, because they never challenge THEMSELVES to such limits.
Good job Jorgen!
Dan J
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RaceDeck
[No! all of those "old timers" worked in thier garages with their local HotRod buddies, swapped parts, shared beers, and most importantly shared their stories & experiences ( a group /"team" effort)....A number of my friends who helped out on our SaltRod have been out on the salt since 1955 and hold many many records....None of them are FOOLISH enought to believe that they know everything and go solo, even after 50 years....BTW, have you ever been to the salt?
Well golly theyve been into hot rodding since 55, many even hold records.
Listen here im 3rd generation hot rodder, Ive learned from the best,the meanest and some of the first rodders that were ever in socal. Ive got top end records going back in my family since the late twentys. Anymore to obtain 200 is easy, go buy a superbird and your guaranteed 200+. I do have to hand it to you that doing it with a little 144ci takes some effort.
What can I say, I consider myself a true hot rodder and if the modern version of a true hot rod is called a rat rod then so be it. Ill always prefer speed over style, steel over billet, hot rodding over street rodding.
If you wish to ignore me what can I say but do it and talk to only other street rodders who only care and like street rods.
Dan J: Thanks...you have a way with words!
Suede: Wow...you got a lot to say for a guy who is barely in his 20's. So I guess you never have been out there. You stated that "YOU ARE INTO SPEED" and that " EASY to obtain 200 is easy". Well why don't you strap your A** in any open roadster and see if you got the Ba**s to hang on... That is if you can keep it running out their with temps swinging as much as 40 degrees in a day and the adjusted elevation moving up and down between 4000 and 8000 ft above sea levek.....It's easy!:LOL:
Hey you might come from 3rd gen hotrod family...but from what I can se hear you have not learned or earned anything!:confused: :confused: :confused:
I won't ignore you....your vast knowledge of HotRods is very interesting!
Well excuse me for only ever getting to a few dry lake beds, hell the fastest ive ever been was a bit over 150 in a 289 powered Austin Healy 3000.
Anyways at least I build my own cars and dont have others do it for me. Ill always have more respect for the guy who turns his own wrench rather than just opens a check book.
Pseudoplymouth: I thought so! And for the record, I do not believe that you have been 150 in anything. The Austin Healy was a great car but not so aerodynamic...that would have to be a helluva 289, and a tricked out suspension on that ride and I doubt you had the skills to build one....though it coulda been your daddy's with you in the passanger seat?
BTW: why are you sitting at the computer on a Friday night...being the BadA** Ratrodder you are? I am sick at home and bored....
No your right, it was my uncles car Id borrowed it for the weekend, that thing had stock suspension, a little too hot of a 289 and a 4spd in it. It always ran a little radical and stalled a lot. I know he replaced the rear but I never asked with what.
And why am I home, it couldnt be that I only work part time. I know that buying old cars for classic dealers isnt that great of a job but at least I enjoy the hell out of it.
It has been fun messing around, but you should be a bit more open to however anyone enjoys HotRods, StreetRod, RaceCars, ShowCars...Just because I do would not own a "trailer Queen" does not mean the guy who does is loser or poser....Just as when a kid who has not made it on his own yet or someone who has taken the path moving from job to job his whole life....can not enjoy cars and everything about them...They can and do. I choose what I do, so that I could stay involved with industry and the people within it...It is a great life! You only get one ride, so make it count.....
Enjoy your life, what ever you make of it!
Okay then man lets call a truce. I may be more into the rat rod scene and your defintely on the street rod side but at least you like performance. Whatever at least were both into rods of one sort or another. Lets just call an end to this, I dont like getting upset on a Friday, I just wanna relax and think about the weekend.
Sounds good...Enjoy the weekend.
Same to you, have a good one.
Hey RaceDeck, ya got me pumped. Sounds like the salt might be a good home for some of us geezer qualified ex-racer types. I have been there once about 10 years ago, and it was truly fascinating. Congrats on your records. Would you mind an E-Mail with a ton of questions about B-Ville?? El Mirage, Muroc, and B-Ville are some of the places where hotrodding got its start. Maybe a pilgrimmage is in order???? Don't know a heck of a lot about LSR events, but it certainly looks interesting and challenging. I have always found it is far easier too learn something new from someone who has been there rather then pretend to allready be an expert at everything.
Have you considered using a 6 cylinder 53 Plymouth engine in your Roadster? according to my calculations the 53 Plymouth should go 300 mph with it's two extra cylinders.
It might be hard to find one because first and second generation hot rodders had no interest in them and most were junked.
Dave: I think you would have a blast out on the salt, the people are great, and the whole scene out there has a cool retro vibe. The August event( SpeedWeek) is the biggest, with over 600 entries turning up. By the last 2 days more than 1/2 the entries are headed home with broken cars and grenaded motors. The September and October events are much more low key, but tend to bring out the serious players who are trying for a record...
I am no expert out there, but I am learing a lot from those who are. If you head out, give me a heads up and come see us in the pits.
Al Show: The world record for any street roadster or gas roadster is about 249 mph..that is with a massive "Klien" big-block motor. This past summer we had a few passes at over 200mph. there is a point in a roadster where Horsepower looses out to wind and traction.....at that point your heading down the course back end first ( the 32' is actually more areodynamic going backwards. I am changing out a few things that will hopefully let us set all three class records at over 200mph ( the previous long standing records in this class were 141mph to 146mph
Thanks Al, I think I split my spleen!!:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Very well put Al. But I got a question. Because Dad was a Hot Rodder, did I become one by birth and therefore just waste the last 30 whatever years trying to learn the craft??? Geez, sometimes I get so confused !!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on the mag. pic. I'm sure it feels great to see your hard work appreciated in a place where there are many of us who love the hobby.
Tell us how it feels to be going 200+ on the salt. I seriously would love to hear about it.
It definetly gets your blood pumping. The car is pretty steady until you start getting over 175mph..then it starts to drift quite a bit as you struggle to get a balance of traction, horsepower and cutting through the wind straight...At 200 you are passing each mile marker at a rate of 8 seconds each...
The whole experience with all the people who are out there makes it a "must do" atleast once in your life...but once you do go, you will be hooked....I am going to have my kid (turns 16 in August) get in the drivers seat...he as earned it as "pit boy'...It will be great to see him take his first run, on what I am sure will be a life long passion...
Racedeck: it's nice to see that you were able to build a buisness around your passion, all of us would be so lucky. Sucks to be you eh!. Keep Roddin!!!
I saw an add for race deck on Speed Vision and decided to check out your web page. That was about a week ago and I was particularily impressed by the viper logo in the deck this is a real nice touch. When i build my Garage i will probably get into contact with you for that feature all though i will be looking for GM logo's myself. Keep up the awsome work it was nice to be able to check out your ride as well. Is the car street legal or is it race only?
Congrats RaceDeck!! Nice to be recognized for all your(and whole crew) hard work and dedication to the sport. Good luck to your son too, I'm sure he'll make ya proud, heck, he has a good teacher for sure!