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Thread: My 32' made it in HOTROD Mag

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  1. #1
    RaceDeck's Avatar
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    Smile My 32' made it in HOTROD Mag


    I just found out that my 32' Salt Rod just made it in this months HOTROD Magazine ( pg72) they are mentioning that we set 3 world records in the our 4 cyl Gas record ( Passes at over 200 mph) . We used a dodge srt-4 turbo motor
    Jorgen Moller - CEO
    RaceDeck Garage Floors

    " Life Member of the Bonneville 200 MPH Club"

    32' Highboy Salt Flats Racer
    65' Historic Corvette Roadster
    Kirkham 427 Roadster - Painted in 'bare aluminum'
    65 Sunbeam Tiger

  2. #2
    dangeroustoy's Avatar
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    Sounds like a very cool ride... I will check it out first chance I get... You should post some larger photos in your gallery when you get a chance...

    Nice Roadster!!!

    Dave Brisco

  3. #3
    suedeplymouth's Avatar
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    So you dont turn a wrench on your car. You dont build your own motor. Do you do anything other than write a check and drive?
    "its better to rule in hell, than serve in heaven."

  4. #4
    dangeroustoy's Avatar
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    Sorry, I went to the link and the photos are much bigger there... That is one cool ride, I love the color scheme...


    Dave Brisco

  5. #5
    Stu Cool's Avatar
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    Yeah Suedplymouth, sounds like he is pretty limited, sorta like John Force. Just writes a check and drives. And gives a few other hotrodders the chance to do what they love to do.

    Racedeck that's a sweet ride and a great race team. You have a right to be proud.

    Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong!

  6. #6
    suedeplymouth's Avatar
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    I have more respect for a working kid who builds himself a ratrod than a guy who just writes checks and conveniantly rounds up his top end times.
    "its better to rule in hell, than serve in heaven."

  7. #7
    RaceDeck's Avatar
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    Smile Ouch!


    SuedePlymouth and Stu Cool:

    First of all, I am absolutely involved and hands on, ....Do I know how to build a 789 144ci ? No ( and there are not too many people in the world who do!) but I am not writing any checks! This is a sponsored car and to get a 32' barn door down the salt at over 200mph takes more than 1 expert and/or wrench, If you believe that anyone out on the salt who is anywhere near setting a land speed record does "everything" himself , you are soooo fooled! ....My "TEAM" consists of people who are my friends....Which means that we are all in this togehter having a great time doing what we love to do....being on the salt!

    On my street hotrod ( 64 Impala SS BB396) I do everything, and enjoy doing it...
    Jorgen Moller - CEO
    RaceDeck Garage Floors

    " Life Member of the Bonneville 200 MPH Club"

    32' Highboy Salt Flats Racer
    65' Historic Corvette Roadster
    Kirkham 427 Roadster - Painted in 'bare aluminum'
    65 Sunbeam Tiger

  8. #8
    rocknrod's Avatar
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    YA.....What he said !

    Hey what kind of deal can I get on a 10 foot by 20 foot racedeck
    floor for my 32 Ford BigGuy ?

  9. #9
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Jorgen, if you plan to stick around here you'll probably find the "Ignore this member" feature usefull. Pat can defend himself, but I think I see a little sarcasm there.

    Oh, and BTW, shame on you for working to be successful and having the gall to decide how to utilize YOUR time and resources in a manner that fits your life!
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  10. #10
    RaceDeck's Avatar
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    Hey Bob:
    Nice to hear from you....No worry I recently had my chest coated in Teflon down at HPC Over the years I have built and restored a many a car...but when it comes to strapping my A$$ in a barn door that can go 200mph, I am not foolish enough to not ask for some help from my friends in this industry who are at the top of thier game.

    Call me direct at my office 800-457-0174 and I will set you up with a floor at a discounted price ( ClubHotrod deal)
    Jorgen Moller - CEO
    RaceDeck Garage Floors

    " Life Member of the Bonneville 200 MPH Club"

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  11. #11
    Diamond's Avatar
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    Racedeck, i hear ya. Im in the same boat. It's not that i don't know what im doing, i just don't have the time anymore. when i was younger my friends and i would meet on the weekends in my garage and build our rods, now that buisness and family take up most my time, and i have the money that i need to explore my hobby further you bet im going to enjoy it, why do you think i work so hard?. I get alot of nay sayers saying the same crap that i just right checks. Im involved with the design, the driveline choices, upolstery, paint, etc etc. Just becouse im not actually on the wrenches dosent mean im not involved. I used to be envious of people lke me when i was young, but now im one of them. Do i deserve it............YOU BET!!. If there's guys out there that are jealous, screw em!!

  12. #12
    RaceDeck's Avatar
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    Diamond: I am with you...besides it is not like we are driving around in our Porsche Boxster driving to the golf course
    I too as a kid did nothing but hang in the garage...My first car was a 55 chevy that I dropped a big block in ( I am "only"40 ) and spent every last cent I had in that car- they were great times...So, now I am in a business that demands a huge amount of my time, but I figured out how to still be involved with what I love...cars, hotrods and racing. I work really hard and I play hard...We only get 1 turn on this ride, so make it count!
    Jorgen Moller - CEO
    RaceDeck Garage Floors

    " Life Member of the Bonneville 200 MPH Club"

    32' Highboy Salt Flats Racer
    65' Historic Corvette Roadster
    Kirkham 427 Roadster - Painted in 'bare aluminum'
    65 Sunbeam Tiger

  13. #13
    Diamond's Avatar
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    Racedeck: im also 40, when i was young i put myself through collage by going to auctions and picking up the old muscle cars that nobody wanted, fixed them up and sold them out of my back yard, with the help of my friends. Some i kept for awhile, others i bought to sell, learned lots and had alot of fun, stayed out of trouble to. Now i travel alot looking after my investments and i want to enjoy my time off. Really looking forward to attending my first Hotrod Power Tour this summer, hope to meet some CHR critters, tring to free some time up this year to get to more events, it was'nt until recently that i was able to find some time so let the good times roll!!

  14. #14
    kennyd's Avatar
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    racedeck , i saw the car at SEMA i was impresed.
    this is my first week on this site , it was recomended to me by dangeroustoy but,
    i am very suprised at the negative pepole on this site .
    keep up the good work on the barndoor.
    yes i drove ,the trailer didnot drive it's self

  15. #15
    RaceDeck's Avatar
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    Kennyd- As Bob said....Do not take to seriously those who throw out negative 'assumptions',,,, As you can see from the above threads, there are plenty of members who share the same passion for HotRods, regardless if you are successful or not in your chosen profession.....
    Jorgen Moller - CEO
    RaceDeck Garage Floors

    " Life Member of the Bonneville 200 MPH Club"

    32' Highboy Salt Flats Racer
    65' Historic Corvette Roadster
    Kirkham 427 Roadster - Painted in 'bare aluminum'
    65 Sunbeam Tiger

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