I am looking to bui.ld a SB 350 here are the part i have 64 cc heads, oem steel crank, 4 bolt block, energizer 300H cam, cast flat top .030 pistons, Holly 750 vacume secondary, K&N air filter ACCEL supercoil, bosch platnum +4 plugs, Aluminum intake (sorry I don't have any info on it yet), pink rods, stock oil pump, water pump, fuel pump, and distrubeter, I am wondering if Claimer 202 162.5 valves are any good and Z28 valve springs.
I have a friend who will be doing all my machineing for free or nearly free so what are the comments.
The car the engine is destined for is a 1978 monte carlo it's the same size as the 80's monte Carlo's. I have duel exhaust and 342 gears. with a T350 transmission and a shift kit.