HMMMM...... I'm changing my previous answer.:rolleyes:
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have gotten a lot of nice things over the years. My daughter was born on December 4 in 1987 so that would definitely be a major one. But the material things that I remember most were from my mom and dad. First there was the Erector set in 1953, my first real camera (Kodak Brownie) in 1958 when I was 12, my first all transistor portabe radio when I was 15. None very expensive but all had lasting value as none were cheap throwaways as so many things today are.
This year I got several set's on new tools and some other great stuff, but the one I will remember for a while will be the small piece of coal that my daughter gave me with a snowman painted on it.:eek::D Just a small inexpensive gift that made me remember that it's the giving and the love that counts not the gift itself.:D