Thanks Brad and Bill. I tried the scoops both ways and finally settled on openings facing the rear..........several reasons. Bugs and dirt going down the throats, and we felt the wind might catch the scoops and possibly dislodge one and have it come at me and the windshield like a missile. :eek: I've been hit by some bugs that were like birds, so I think a chromed scoop would smart a little. The Rochesters have a very shallow lip to put the set screws into, and we actually had to drill and tap new ones lower to catch that lip. We also dimpled the carb where the set screws go for a little more insurance. I was going to paint the insides to match the engine, but the red actually looks ok to me, sort of traditional.
I didn't know that about Lokar making a Rochester bracket.........guess who I will be 1-800 ing tomorrow? Thanks for the tip.
I'm as anxious as anyone to see Dan's car done too. Poor guy has missed 4 years at Daytona, and it looks like Billetproof in March will be tight too. He must have inherited his perfectionism from his Mom.........sure didn't get it from me. :o Luckily, Don is a lot like me in the respect we want things nice, but we also want to drive them in our lifetime. :LOL:
Don't you have a Hemi to stuff between those Deuce rails or something? :D