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Thread: Ok, you all have shamed me into it!!

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
    Itoldyouso is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    fort myers
    Car Year, Make, Model: '27 ford/'39 dodge/ '23 t

    Ok, you all have shamed me into it!!


    Watching all of you guys like Perley, Ken, Jim, and everyone else making such good progress on your cars, I finally got off my duff today and did something other than nap the weekend away. Hadn't been to the shop in so long that I haven't even washed my T after coming back from Turkey Run and getting it soaked in the rain that lasted the whole trip home.

    I picked up a couple of parts for the T and my Dodge at Daytona, one of which was a dual carb setup I got from Vintage Speed. I knew eventually I would put some kind of multiple carbs on the T, and Vintage Speed made me an offer I couldn't refuse on one of their complete setups. It consists of a dual carb adapter, two rebuilt Rochester 2GC carbs, linkage, fuel line, and two frog mouth scoops. I know they aren't as efficient as something like a tripower manifold, or even the four barrel I had on it, but they have a certain old timey look to them that I like, so I went with it.

    First thing I had to do was pull off the Edelbrock 600 that has been flawless on this engine. I really agonized over doing that because ever since I bolted it on over a year ago it has been absolutely perfect in all respects. I regularly get 25 mpg on the highway, and even got 30 one time coming from Billetproof. But it did look a little tame up there, even with the Stellings and Hellings knockoff aircleaner I had been using.

    Putting the new setup on was a cinch, but took 2 trips to the auto parts store to round up all the little fittings and pieces I needed. It still needs some neating up to be done on the hoses and stuff, plus I have to fab up some bracketry to make my Lokar throttle and kickdown linkage work with it. But it fired right up and seems to idle fine. Being somewhat crazy, I hooked up a fishing line to the carbs and took it for a little spin. Dan thought I was kidding, but off we went, and when I gave the line a good tug it lit up the tires, so I think it will perform ok once I get everything dialed in.

    Here are some pictures of before, during, and after the carbs went on.

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