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Thread: Went to a car show, with pictures.

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
    Itoldyouso is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    fort myers
    Car Year, Make, Model: '27 ford/'39 dodge/ '23 t

    Went to a car show, with pictures.


    Yesterday I saw a sign advertising a car show here locally, so last night I actually washed my T for the first time since Thanksgiving in Daytona. I told Don about it and he wanted to take his too, so this morning we got there about 10:30 or so, and we were about 12 cars from them shutting off admission....the place was jammed, must have been over 300 cars there.

    It was sponsored by the local Corvette club, so there were a bazillion vettes of all years and descriptions there, but it was open to all kinds of cars, so there were hot rods, customs, antiques, muscle cars, and some vintage super stockers too. They were out of parking spaces and had to put us in a line with all the other guys who sleep in on Sundays.

    The show was supposed to end by 4 pm, but at 4:30 they were still judging cars, they simply had a bigger turnout than anticipated. So I needed my afternoon nap, and left before trophy time, but Don stayed there. About a half hour later he called and said "you should have stayed, you won second place in the T buckets, but I won first!" He said he went up to get my second place trophy and the guy handing them out said "this is gonna be ugly, you beat your Dad out for first place!" Pretty darned sad state of affairs when these young whippersnappers start stealing our glory. Actually, I'm thrilled for him, his car deserves to beat mine, it's lots nicer.

    Anyway, here are a few pictures I took of some of the more interesting stuff. I didn't take a ton of pictures, because it was really hot today and I spent most of the time looking for shade. Hope you all enjoy the few I have here.

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    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 01-04-2009 at 02:35 PM.

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