Check out this Rat Rod Build Wow :HMMM:
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Check out this Rat Rod Build Wow :HMMM:
I didn't think Popular Mechanics was still around ! :confused::D
You would be surprised at just how many of these are designed to look like this but when looked at close and in person have quite a bit of expensive parts and engineering that had gone in to them.
The old saying "don't judge a book by it's cover" applies to some of these sneaky builders.
Bill S.
Putting a gas tank right behind the driver's head, is hardly what I would call engineering.......:eek:....or, is that just a big head rest?
Well guys I do like the gate hindge gas pedal though I don't care for the placement of the gas tank!!! Kurt
Now that I took a Better Look at the Inside of that Build :eek: There is no Trans Tunnel Just open air :HMMM: Guess that's Good for keeping you warm on them Cool Nights .
I wish people would stop calling this crap "old school"......I'm quite sure that's not how they did it back in the day!!!....:eek:;)
I like some of it but that gas tank would have to go. I'd like to have at least a miniscule chance of survival if i have a fender bender.
looks like $H!t, rides like $#!t, steer's like $#!t, PIECE OF $#!t
:LOL::LOL::LOL:Oh come on!!! Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel!!!!:LOL::LOL::LOL:
In the last 40 years, I've turned out a few cars that the majority of people didn't like but I gotta say, I never made one look bad or build anything with questionable safety features.... and the clown in the article commenting on all the jagged, exposed bare pieces of metal actually thought it was kewl!!!! I guess there's no accounting for taste, or the total lack of it.....
I really Don't think he would get to far on the Street riding that Thing :LOL: The Cop's Would Have Him Pulled over real Quick :eek: :LOL:
Don, your T could look just like that one. :eek: All you got to do is bring it up here to the rust belt for about 2 months. Mother Nature has a way with making things go from looking good to looking bad.:LOL::LOL:
I really like traditional hot rods, but there is nothing traditional about these "shock rods". I just lost a lot of respect for Popular Mechanics for giving this crap some kind of acceptability.
My biggest fear is that someone in power will see one of these death traps and get legislation passed that will affect all of us negatively.