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View Poll Results: Would you help a fellow hotrodder...

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  • Yes, without question.

    59 98.33%
  • Yes, but only if it was of the same make as what I own

    0 0%
  • Not on your life

    0 0%
  • Forget about it, I only consort with my own kind

    1 1.67%

Thread: Helping a fellow Hotrodder

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  1. #1
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    Helping a fellow Hotrodder


    The question is, if you lived close enough, and another hotrod owner (who's make you may or may not also have) you haqve never met needed some assistance, would you lend a hand without asking for anything in return?

    Bill S.
    Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.

  2. #2
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Sure! That chevy i chopped was a members on another forum that i never met before that. He posted that he was new to rodding, and was getting this chevy and neede help fixing it, so me and joliet jake AKA Jay helped him out.

  3. #3
    Dream Ride's Avatar
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    In a heartbeat. Unless it got to the point to where I was doing everything and he/she was just sitting around and didn't care if he/she learned anything, just wanted to get the work done. At that point I wouldn't hesitate to tell he/she to go pound sand and stop trying to live off other people. (can you tell it's happened a few times before to me)
    Got Guts - Get Graphics

  4. #4
    chevy 37's Avatar
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    Any time. I've helped many who were stopped alongthe road, and many have helped me.
    Keep smiling, it only hurts when you think it does!

  5. #5
    canadianal's Avatar
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    was doing it last night, helping neighbor fit roll bar in camaro didnt spend long helped him get strarted and away he went

  6. #6
    CaptKirk's Avatar
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    Absolutely! Done that many times when I was involved in the muscle car scene in Diego and would do it again!!

  7. #7
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    Without a doubt! Never leave a fellow hot rodder behind!
    Don Jr.
    "Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"

  8. #8
    HOSS429's Avatar
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    gladly .. for the first 25 years of my hotrodding career iv`e depended on the kindness of friends to allow me ocassional use of their shops and equipment for my many builds .. most of my work was done under the shade tree .. now iv`e got a full up shop well equipped but have sadly outlived most of the fellow rodders who hav`e helped me ..
    Last edited by HOSS429; 01-23-2009 at 08:38 AM.
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  9. #9
    Larry M's Avatar
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    Sure would! I've met and made friends doing so.
    Larry M.
    Every Day I Wake Up Above Ground Is a Good Day!!

  10. #10
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Sure in the process of doing a neighbors 65 Mustang well the sheet metal that needs installed and welded . Then I will show him some body repairs . Makes me feel good and I do love this hobby .

    Just last summer coming home there was a 55 Chevy sitting beside the road ( I live out in the country a bit ) Goodguys show was going on at Chicago Speedway . . I stopped by him and asked if he needed help , turns out he had brake trouble . Told him I lived a few blocks away and we could get it fixed up , He replied he had a flat bed on the way .

  11. #11
    mopar34's Avatar
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    Absolutely, that's why I've been listed in the Fellows Pages for over a dozen years. I have limited space and towing capability, but plenty of tools and will do whatever I can to make sure a fellow rodder's needs gets taken care of.

    A good friend will come and bail you out of jail....but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying..."Damn....that was fun!

  12. #12
    Pat Monaco's Avatar
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    Absolutely! I'm originally from PA and that's just what we do.
    1930 A Bone

  13. #13
    ford2custom's Avatar
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    When I was in the Army 64-67 I ran out of gas on an expressway. I borrowed a friend’s car and the gas gauge did not work. I thought I had enough gas to get back to Base but I was wrong. I tried to get help with the hood up and a flashlight pointing to the engine. People passed by even State Troopers. I finally gave up and tried to stay warm in the car. I was laying in the back seat with a big Army over coat covering me. I heard someone pounding and calling to get my attention. I was scared really bad I was 17 years old and couldn’t imagine someone at the late hour trying to help me. He didn’t give up so I rose up; he asked if I needed help? I told him I ran out of gas. This man was driving a late 40’s Desoto Coupe, and towing a 54 Ford station wagon. He said he would push me to the next exit. It was dangerous to say the least but he did. I saw a sign that said 6 miles to the next exit. There was a gas station by itself all lit up no one or anything else in sight but the guy working. The Good Samaritan pushed me right up to the pump. I had $2.00 I asked the guy to give me his name and address and I would send him some money for helping me. His words from 45 years ago I will never forget “ If you see someone who needs help and can help them, that will be payment enough.” I have tried to live by that to this day. When I tell this story people ask if I believe in Guarding Angels? I say yes.

    PS I may have told this before but thought it would be ok even if I had.


  14. #14
    skids72's Avatar
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    I would help anybody I can.... My frame of reference is mostly at the race track and many "strangers" have helped me out in my time of need and I do the same where I can...

    Paint don't make it no faster

  15. #15
    twin blown's Avatar
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    you bet in a heartbeat. even if its a ford

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