I just read this thread 68chevelle and I have to say the car is coming along nicely, I like the look you have going so far, very cool.
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I just read this thread 68chevelle and I have to say the car is coming along nicely, I like the look you have going so far, very cool.
Hey Dave, yeah I haven't made much progress on the T lately. The most work I have done to it this past month and a half is paint the edelbrock carb a translucent bronze color to make it look more like a stock carb and strengthened one of the rear radius rods. I guess you could say I have been slacking off.
Wow sounds like you are having a hard time with the windshield frame. There is a stock one on ebay that goes off in less than a day if yours can't be repaired. The reproduction aluminum ones are said to warp when they are open so if yours has to replaced I'd stay away from them. Hopefully the guy will do right, it seems like stuff like this happens more than it should :HMMM:
Hot rodding does have it's problems but when you get the wiring figured out it should be rewarding.
Good luck and keep the updates coming.
Thank you, I really appreciate it. Seems like Ts are not really done in this style too often. It's a very fun build so don't forget to pop in every once and a while to check out my progress. It has been kind of slow right now because of the cold weather.
Thomas, I just searched ebay for a '26-'27 closed car windshield frame, even searched completed listings, and didn't see one.... The glass guy has the frame now, he cut the little "L" shaped brackets that hold the facia together, because he couldn't get the front-mounted screws out. I had them out, along with the 2 on each side, less than a month ago, and the frame has been in dry storage since. As well, he made the glass too big, so there is a good-sized gap and the, for lack of a better term, "miter" at the top of the frame. I took it back, and asked him to please take the top part of the frame off, and sand down the top of the glass, so the top portion of the frame fits the "miter" better... he said he would, but it was going to cost me more money...WTF??? I paid this dude over 100 bux to get the glass in right, and all he can do is make the glass too big, and cut the frame apart? And then wants to charge me more $$ to do it (semi) right?? And he is a "Professional" glass installer.....I think when the time comes for the side glass and rear window glass, I'll find someone else...
It's been raining here, with 60mph winds, we live 500 feet from the Ocean, so it's been really miserable weather the last week (plus, we had an earthquake last week, not like Haiti, but right off our coast, near Eureka) and more rotten weather is expected all this week. I did manage to get the dash back in, and all the gauges working except for the fuel gauge (just ran out of time last night) Gotta call TPI Tech and find out what the reason is that the tach fogs up from the inside...?? The rest of the gauges are fine, just the tach... and I have had the gauges so long I have no clue where the receipt is now...
Oh, well, any progress is better than no progress...I am hesitant to post photos, because they always come out super gigantic, no matter how small I make them....
26Tudor -
I was wondering what the effects of the quake were up there. I went to HSU back in the 90's when we had three separate quakes all 6.0 and bigger, in a 3 or 4 day period. The last one raised the tidal pools on the beach in Petroila 14 ft in the air. I was studying Marine Biology at the time, and went there to study the effects on ocean life.
If you need a good glass guy, we have a few down this way, I was going to use Redwood glass to install mine, plus we have a few Santa Rosa members who probably have a few good shops closer to you.
Sounds pretty frustrating to have to pay the guy more to do the job right, that he should have done in the first place!
stovens, I'm in Crescent City, so we barely had any damage at all... I guess Eureka suffered some damage to some older, non-earthquake retrofitted, buildings in the old downtown area, but as far as I know, only a few minor injuries, and no fatalities, not at all like the quake in Haiti.
I may have to take you up on the glass people, there is a guy in Brookings, OR, about 20 miles North of here,so I may give him a try.
I am going to be doing something kinda different, in that the back side windows, which used to roll up, will be stationary, and I am going to TRY and use some left-over "Cal-Look" VW window rubber for the back window and the back side windows...I only ended up with two usable window regulators, they are the same front and back, so I plan on using the good ones for the door glass, and just using the left over window rubber for the two back side, and back, windows.
So, I am going to have to take some very careful measurements, include the width of the window rubber, and make a template, and do 1 at a time, until I get it just right. I've installed countless VW windows in my day, but never anything like this....the lip on the body appears to be pretty much the same as what I am used to on a VW Bug, so it should (keyword SHOULD) work....
My son-in-law lives up in Gasquet 26Tudor and his wife works for a doctor there in Cresent City, it's a small world isn't it? That is the most beautiful country there, we were out there last year and I love it.
Whoa, somebody you know lives in "Gas-Key" ??? Small world, indeed.I love it up here, yes, it rains like hell all winter (not the smartest move, building a fenderless car, but nobody ever accused me of being smart
If you happen out this way again, please make sure you PM me, our little local car club has some interesting cars in it, for one, an original, unrestored, 99% original wood, 32 Ford Woody...a few Model A's and T's, various Mopars from the teens to a new Hemi Challenger, an Austin Seven roadster from the 1930's, and quite a few other ones... check out www.northernknights.us
to see some of the stuff we have.
Do you know the name of the doctor? We have a hard time attracting and keeping doctors up here, they seem to like it okay, but when the Missus has to travel 80 miles either to Eureka or Grant's Pass/Medford to do any real shopping, I guess it causes some "Lively conversations" on the home front..
That was the HAWAIIAN Look, John.
Remember that? I think you were probably in your late 50's back then.
I gotta find a use for this stuff somewhere, and it looks like it should work... I got a bunch of it from Bugpack years ago, about a 30 foot roll, not glued at the ends or anything, so maybe, just maybe, it will work.
Wow Dave that sounds like a real big hassle. Too bad some people do not practice good business ethics. It happens all too often and is unfortunate that you are going to be charged more when he should be fixing his mistakes at his expense. Good luck with the windshield frame and hopefully the weather will end up coroperating with you.
As for pics, try using the site photobucket.com. The pictures are resized as they are being loaded. I use photobucket for all of my picture uploads for years now and its free.
Well, the glass guy made it as good as he could after he cut the frame, and didn't charge me. He wanted to, but I told him I didn't think charging me to do something he didn't do right the first time, and caused damage to the part I brought in, wasn't right. He reluctantly agreed, and let me have the windshield back, no charge.
Got it mounted, got the gas gauge working, all gauges work except speedo now, got the horn mounted, by the letter of the law, if it wasn't raining so danged hard right now I could legally drive it, oh, yeah, except for that pesky registration and insurance thing....
Thats good to hear that he ended up doing the right thing in the end. Its hard to get people like that to do the right thing, it shouldn't be...
Hopefully the rain will clear up so you can get to finally drive the thing. Let us know how it goes when you take it out on its maiden voyage.
Well, I got to drive it today, after 2 weeks of rain, it finally broke and there is a small window of sunshine..
I had my poor, long-suffering wife drive it too, and I must say, she did extremely well figuring out that the Vega box and Ford cross-steer is NOT like her Jetta.
The roads were stiulla little wet, but I can clean the gunk off the windshield...
Sorry about the huge photo again, I tried uploading it to Photobucket first, but there seems to be a problem, so I just did it the old-fashioned way.
again, soory about the mega-photo.
Don't worry about the size of the picture Dave, you just get to see more car on the screen this way :) The stance is perfect, you really nailed it.
It must of been a blast to finally get to drive the T after so much work, congrats!
Strange, for some reason I want to go out in the garage and start working on the tudor again...
Yeah, I have been having a sort of "race" between me, and my neighbor down the street, with a 31 full fendered Tudor Model A. He drove his the day after Xmas, but with no front brakes, no seats (front OR rear) and other things. I'd say we are about even right now, for a while he was waaaay ahead, but I have caught up to him. Best case scenario is we BOTH win, or tie, and get to cruise the seaside and the redwoods together.
I know it's cold, but get out there are get busy on that Tudor, Thomas, it won't hotrod itself, ya know...:D:LOL::3dSMILE:
Both cars look absolutely Awesome, especially in VISTA VISION!!LOL!!! J/K I really like both cars guys you both have the stance going on, well done and keep the pics coming.
T is looking great . As said the stance is right on .
Been racing my self here :( They are a slow process . Hopefully I can fire it in about a month . But some more work is needed to the frame to button it up and plumb . Maybe you should bring him on here .
Headed down to the CA DMV today- have my insuarnce papers, all the registration BS, all set to go, a few more $$ and I'll be able to drive the car anywhere, without having to skulk around back roads, and park the thing right in front of the Sherrif's Office if I want to.
It' legal. I can park it and drive it anywhere I want to now.
I spent the day trying to program the electric TPI speedometer, guess I'll have to call them tomorrow....
Well, I'll have to wait to call TPI gauges now... I got motivated and yanked the firewall out, to make more clearance for the HEI distributor cap. As it was, there was NO WAY to get the distributor cap off, without removing the firewall (bad planning, I know...) so while it's out, I'm gonna cut some more room out of the firewall, so if I ever need to, I can change the cap and rotor without going through all this again.
Does anyone know if an HEI distributor, with the coil mounted in the top of the cap, can be converted to a regular cap and rotor, and remote mounted coil?
Thanks !!
Thank You, Dave, off to the Summit site I go.....
<adit> okay, I'm back.
I guess I should have mentioned that the engine is a Chevy V-6, 4.3 roller lifter motor, I do not know the year, or what it came out of.
I was looking at the remote coil setups, just in case the extra firewall clearance doesn't allow me to get the cap off, as it was, there was NO WAY to get the dang thing off.
Thanks for the help, Dave, as John Palmer can tell you, my field of expertise is NOT American cars... I have been a VW guy since the late 60's, and this is my first real foray into the cast iron engines.
Okay, I finally got the firewall out, clearanced it enough to get the distributor cap off, got some paint on the firewall, insulated the wires running through the firewall with rubber grommets, replaced the piece of coat hanger wire with a real throttle cable, and now...
it's raining.
I'm not a wuss by any means, but driving in the rain with a fenderless car with no top, missing 5 of the 6 required windows, just doesn't sound all that fun to me...
Dammit !!! I thought I had this file size thing figured out... guess I don't. Sorry for the "Vista Vision" again, folks...
Lookin very nice. That storm is blowing in here too!
OK Dave, Your car is looking GOOD. But how many exhaust ports are on a V6 Chevy? Looks like a few too many tubes on those Lakester headers, lol.
I drove my roadster, pulling Troy's tear drop trailer to The March Meet this weekend. Won a "Best of the 30's" car show plaque. The best part was "I did not freeze to death" going over the Grapevine and the car made it home.
Yeah, one pipe on each side is a dummy, the guy that had the engine in his 31 A Coupe actually glued 2 extra terminals on the HEI cap, and had dummy plug wires running down to... nowhere... he was trying to make it look like a (small) V-8, I guess, but as soon as you hear it start and run, you know it's not a V-8, so...**)
No rain today, FINALLY.
Had to take it out for a spin, cold as hell without windows or a top, but it sure beats getting soaked.. I'll TRY to post a photo that doesn't turn out super Ginormous...
Hey 26Tudor,
That Firewall looks really good. I had to notch the one on my 26 Coupe so that the valve covers could be removed without pulling the motor. With the distributer on the front of my little Buick V6 I didn't have make room for that too. The attached picture shows the notch (pictured is Dave Severson putting on the fenders).
I haven't done anything on the coupe since last summer; finishing my basement takes all my time.
Question.... how loud are the pipes when they are open. I was planning to Lake style headers and put baffels in them and not run mufflers.
At one time Speedway sold the four pipe headers for the Chevy V6 to fool people.
The headers are way loud uncorked, maybe with baffles they would be okay, I dunno.
LOVE the coupe, looks awesome !!! I hope to full fender mine in a year or two, have the fenders (or at least enough of a few to cut and patch and make a set) up in the attic of the garage..
Dave Cormack
I finally found the stuff I wanted to use for the floormats, a place called <www.ironcompany.com> has it in varying thicknesses..I went with the 1/8", and it was easy to cut..I guess they actually use it for gym floors and weight bench floors and such... but it's 1/2 recycled tires, so it's going to be durable, and when it gets dirty, just yank it out, pressure wash it, and it will be good as new...
PS you DO NOT have to buy a 25 foot roll, as they show on their website...I got a 10 foot roll, and have enough left over to actually do it again...and they provide free UPS shipping...I worked with a person named Blair Gannam, great to work with, timely responses (within 2 hours, like their website says. wow, what a concept, do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it...
Well, last weekend we finally had some decent weather up here Behind the Redwood Curtain, and I was able to stretch the chicken wire, the muslin, the foam padding, and the Vinyl, over the top of the Sedan... it's not a professional job by any means, there are a few nails that barely show, but considerig I had never done this stuff before, I think it turned out good.
Looks great buddy! Show the pic of the radiator change!
Hey Brian, look under the other thread, I didn't want to double post, and this thread was actually started by someone else, and I ended up kinda highjacking it...
Well, not too sure how many have followed my model T hot rod build but I am still at it... There has not been too much progress as life had found a way to distract me from the project :HMMM: Things have seemed to settle down a bit and I have managed to wire most of the car and am currently fabricating the clutch and brake pedal assembly that will end up hidden behind the dash. As soon as I get access to my camera there will be some update pics and hopefully a steady stream of progress pics as I once again attempt to build a hot rod :rolleyes:
Happy St. Patty's day!!!
Ya I've been distracted BIG time...... finishing my basement... told the wife I'd have it done by the first of May... Last year, be this year I'll have most of it done. Last week she told me that I had to paint the bathroom; just finished it a couple of hours ago.
Next project is to build a Storm Shelter in my boys basement. FEMA has Free plans: 2x4 studs, two sheets of 3/4 inch plywood and 14 guage over the top. Went out into his backyard and found 8 4x10 sheets of 1/16 inch plate... I'll weld them together and use it instead of the 14 guage. Will also be cutting a 2 inch slot in the floor and put T shaped anchors 16 inch on center.
AND then maybe I can get back to the coupe. I found some perfect doors FREE but can't get the guy off his duff to go get them.
[QUOTE=68Chevelle;420763]Well, not too sure how many have followed my model T hot rod build but I am still at it...
I was following it and wondered what had happened. Please do the updates, anxious to see where you are currently. I love these T's.:)
Wow Tom sounds like you have been doing everything but work on your coupe **) It certainly happens lol... Hopefully you can get that guy to get you those doors, good ones aren't cheap :eek:
Well Don thanks for the interest, I'll try to keep this thread interesting with some fresh pics...
Here are the brake and clutch pedal assembly, didn't feel like spending the $200 plus for swing pedals so here is my interpretation... Not the prettiest looking contraption but it is getting there. Have to finish fabbing the bellcrank but it is getting there.
Without bellcrank
Bellcrank fabbed
Bellcrank installed
Thanks, Thomas
I have been following, and kind wondering what had happened... good to see you're back at it!!
Mine's coming along at about the same pace... amazing how Life can get in the way of building a hot rod...