Thanks everyone for the replies and support of this thread :) Like I said life takes over and had taken over once more a few days after my last post, my Grandpa's health had been declining and he passed away March 21... A lot of what I know about life and most things mechanical I have learned directly from him or indirectly through my Dad! He is missed but always loved to be working on something in his shop so I continued to work on the hot rod and have some updated pics... When I first bought the car he asked me what I was doing with that hunk of junk, I told him I was going to build a car :) He did get to see the hot rod as it sits now!!!
The pedal frame all welded up
All the fabricated parts
Installed drivers side
Passenger side
Old gas door open looking down into cowel where remote fill tanks will be located
Thanks again for the interest and I will try to get a steady stream of progress pics when available,