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Thread: Project 29 rpu is underway!!

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Project 29 rpu is underway!!


    Dan and I went to Billetproof this past weekend and it got me fired up to start on my latest project. I mentioned that I have this RPU body Dan gave me when he bought his new body, and I have been wanting to make something out of it. I also have the frame and chassis we built for the 39 Dodge body, and last week we lifted the RPU body onto it and found out it fit as if it were made for it. I only have to redo a couple of mounts and it will fit perfectly.

    So, tonight while Dan was sanding away on his frame I started playing around with my new toy. This car is very much like my very first hot rod. I had a 32 pickup that I cut the top off of, installed an Olds 394 engine backed by a LaSalle 3 speed, and a 57 Chevy rear axle. When my Kids were like 6 months old my Wife and I would take them for rides around our neighborhood, and get back before the cops would show up. We lived in Pennsylvania at the time and driving a fenderless hot rod ranked right up there with bank robbery. I never could get that rod inspected, so I blew it apart and used the parts for other cars.

    I want this new rod to be a lot like that one. It has a 30 over 394 Olds, backed by a 4 speed hydro, and an S 10 rear. I am going to leave it a little rough around the edges and may even paint it with a brush, or at least sand through the paint to give it that old time look. I'm going to keep this one simple and bare bones. Up front I am going to have the Moon tank Ken gave me, and the radiator will be in the bed, hidden by the louvered tonneau cover Dan also gave me.

    So, here are some pictures of how it is starting to look. As soon as I get the rear wheels powder coated red I can get it up on wheels all the way around. I found some neat 56 Olds hubcaps at Billetproof this weekend, and I like the way they look..........just the right amount of patina.

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  2. #2
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    This is going to be very coooool

  3. #3
    T42's Avatar
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    Wow, it must be nice! Enough cool parts just lyin around the garage to put together one seriously cool rod!!! You're a lucky man Don!
    Trust everyone once. Just be cautious of what may be lost.

  4. #4
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Hehe, I have to admit I'm pretty stoked about this little car. Probably because it won't require much in the way of painting and finish work. Maybe also because it is a throwback to my youth. There were a bunch just like this one at Billetproof, and the guys were all having a blast, not worrying about waxing and all that stuff.

    Speaking of having stuff in the garage to build things, we went into one of the buildings Don Garlits has on his property the other day because he was having a garage sale. I have never seen so many zoomies or new old stock parts in one place. He had brand new 41 Ford hoods, 49 Ford doors, and what looked like brand new painted black 32 fenders, all just hanging there. Everywhere you looked there were boxes and boxes of "neat stuff", and more Hemi parts than you could imagine. Old Don evidently never threw anything away and also bought lots of parts at swap meets. He even had his first pair of driving goggles from 1958.


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    oldrodder43's Avatar
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    WOW Don, think you can bring this one in for under 3K????
    haahaaaaahaaaa. Going to look realllll good. Wanna give me the Dodge?
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  6. #6
    Hotrod46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    I'm going to keep this one simple and bare bones.
    Gee, where have I heard that before...........

    Looks great!! Should be a blast.

    I see a wishbone locator on the the rear. Does it have air bags? I'm liking the air ride on the rear of mine.


  7. #7
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    OK, guys. There's something fishy going on here. I was at Billetproof, I was all over the place at least 3 times, and I was in the "garage sale", but I never saw Don. I saw Bill (Gastrick) and his coupe with the Hemi (NICE!), but no Don. I think he must have grown a mustache and worn a toupe to become incognito... or maybe he's avoiding some of us... Hmmmm?

    Seriously Don, sorry I somehow missed you again. The roadster is going to look really cool. Now you've got an extra truck body to deal with; will that be another future build thread?

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    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J. Robinson View Post
    ...... I think he must have grown a mustache and worn a toupe to become incognito...
    My spies sent me this proof of your suspicions Jim. He was out trying to rustle up some dough for his new project.
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    Dang it! I saw that guy! I had no idea it was really Don in disguise. Now I recognize those shifty eyes...

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    stovens's Avatar
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    Very cool project that we'll enjoy watching as well. thanks Dan for the freebies for your Dad! I'm sure you are just being reimbursed for Dad slave labor which you freely give being the generous guy that you are Don. I think it's great that you all support eachother so well. I was surprised you mentioned powder coating after your recent ordeals, but think again it will be a great choice. I'm going to look into doing the brake drums in gloss black, once I get the motor in and running.
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  11. #11
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    WOW nothing like just "starting" on a project and being almost done already! . It should be a cool ride and look good next to Dan's although that Dodge was looking pretty good as well
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  12. #12
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    That`s funny Jim!! Don eludes everyone once again. I unfortunatly had plumbing issues arise the night before the show, so i ended up repiping halve the house while you guys were having fun in the sun.

    The new ride looks great Don!! It almost looks like you made that frame for that body. Makes me kinda wonder if you didnt really plan it that way! Tell us the truth Don, you were just waiting to reveal your true plans.

  13. #13
    Rickomatic's Avatar
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    Not fair Don, too much work has been done to call it a new project.

    It looks like it will be a nice ride. How much of this will be powder coated?

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  14. #14
    Gastrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotroddaddy View Post
    That`s funny Jim!! Don eludes everyone once again.
    Don didn't elude me although he tried. I caught him trying to sneak out of the hotel Saturday evening and make a swift get away with those Olds hubcaps. I had to run him down to say hello. He claimed that he didn't know I was there because he didn't see my car at the show.

    Don, I can see how you would be excited about this project. I think it's fate. The RPU body looks so good on the chassis that you already have built that the whole deal together looks like it was envisioned that way from the start. It has a really good look. I think this one will be another home run for you.
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    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    I saw pics of your car at the show Bill, was the trip uneventful? That hemi looks great sitting in there.

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