Nice Fords, gents; Paul, that convertible is a real eye knocker. I, like some of you, also have a soft spot for late forties Fords and Mercs; when I was in high school, a buddy and I went in together on a '48 Merc 4 door, and registered it in his dad's name. Being kids with very limited resources, we hacked together some "pipes" for it, put some trim rings on the wheels, and started lowering it. We must have made a half dozen sashays at making longer and longer shackles for it, and one night my pal called me and said I had to come to his house 'cause he needed some help with the car, and his dad had told him he was on his own. I went over, and he had made some more "longer" shackles, and when he let the jack down, it was stuck under the car and we couldn't run the handle enough to jack it back up. Another "lesson" learned; I really don't know how we kept from knocking the axles out from under that thing; the "shackles" were only pieces of strap steel with no gussets or reinforcement, and they were so-o-o-o long.
Can anyone give me an estimate on value, need it for insurance. Thanks!
As I said above, I priced a restored '48 convertible and the guy was asking $48K so I would guess a nice rodded version like yours would be worth as much to a rodder or less to a restorer. Even so the price of such nice things is in the mind of the seller and buyer. If/when you haggle with a potential buyer he/she will talk down on petty details while inwardly slobbering over the nice stuff, such is the art of the haggler.
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodder
check with your insurance co. I think you are going to need an appraisal from a co. they approve of they can give you a list of approved appraisers.......ted