Thanks Ryan,
For the kind words. The leak(s) are finally stopped but still haven't sealed up the back wall to the shower, painting the walls and ceiling have been taking up a lot of my time. I have been able to sneak out to the shop some though and have been working on the gas tank cover and rear fenders, along with a few house projects. Have taken some pics and will post when they are a little further along.
Jack how ya been beside being very busy :) . I have been hiding in the engine thread for a while but lurked more then any thing . The shower looks great wish I had that attention to detail .
Hi Bobby,
Thanks for the comments. Well, thought the shower was fixed, didn't leak for 2 months. Finally closed up the wall and what do you know, very next day there was a puddle of water in the kitchen below. I am giving up on this shower and giving it to a pro to completely re-do as it should have been when it was built. I have wasted enough time on this project and need to get back out to the shop. It's not like me to give up on anything but I know to quit when I'm beat. I did get to do some shop work while waiting to see if it would leak, in between painting and also fixing some trim. Will take some pics of the gas tank cover and rear fenders I have been working on.
The gas tank cover is a nice idea on the A . Thinking of making one for the Tudor . I know it is a lot of work but if I call it tinkering around shouldn't get stressed over it .
Glad to hear your getting back to a little shop time . The work on the frame and every where is looking great .
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Time to update both projects. Insurance adjuster came out to survey the shower damage. Long story short, $6460.00 minus the $1000 deductible, will get a check for $5460.00. The pros will do it and this time it will be done right.:):) The complete shower will be removed and re-done.
Now a few pics of the good project. #1 and #2 is pass. fender on the welding bench with strip that joins the top 1/2 with the bottom 1/2. Had to use a strip about 1 3/4" wide to replace metal lost when I cut my 46 year old 1st attempt apart. It is mostly welded, need to grind more and finish up on the bead side, and that's why I don't show that side.;):LOL: Next is a repair of rust out on the same fender. This is on the backside where I formed and welded a 1/8 piece of metal to replace the doubled up metal that the running board bolts to. Next is the drivers side fender mocked up. Will need to cut more metal out to clean up edges and remove brazing from 46 year old 1st attempt. next is another pic of the pass. fender on weld bench and last is a pic of of rust repair on the front of the pass. fender. Needs more grinding. More to come.
Sorry to hear about the shower problems Jack,but hey you gave it your best shot and scored the brownie points of Mrs Jack,so all is well..;) It will be good to get back into the coupé again.
I just hate it when home repair/improvement projects get in the way of car projects!! :mad:
Good to see you back on the Coupe. I need to get back on mine!
Nice to see you back on it Jack, keep going mate as there is light at the end of the tunnel :)
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Thanks Guys,
Yes, it is good to get more time in the shop. Once both fenders are welded and welds ground down I will get to the metal bumping. Got Frank T Sargents book on metal bumping, wish I had that 40 years ago. Really good info there.
Here are a few more pics. Descriptions may not be in order as I can't figure out why the pics don't show in the order they were loaded. Shot of the pic frame is the front and back of a road map of the western states around 1927. They were wrapped around a set of old adjustable reamers I got off C/L. It's neat to see how few roads were there then. Few were paved and many were unimproved, read made for horse and buggy.:eek:;):) The one of the gas tank cover (is there a more technical term for this) showing the patches welded in. The whole thing will need some metal bumping to finish. With the help of Franks book it should turn out fine. The bike pic has a story (forgive me if this is a repeat). Bought it for my 11 y/o son, now 33 years old, to ride around our camping lot, he rode it around for a few years then took it apart to "fix" it. You guessed it, months turned into years and I finally sold it for $25 at a garage sale, parts, title and all. A few yeas ago my brother-in-law in San Jose, Ca. Emails that he bought a bike on Ebay that used to belong to us. He didn't really want it and only bid on it because the opening bid was low and he thought someone else would out bid him, not. He got it for $250. It was all put back together and the engine was rebuilt. When he went to Santa Cruz to pick it up the guy gave him the title and it still had our name on it. He about fainted. He gave back to my son and now it is back in my shop taking up valuable space.:CRY::HMMM::mad: What a trip that bike has taken. Sold in Wa. to a Wa. resident, sold to ? how many times, goes to Santa Cruz, San Jose and now back to my shop. End of story.
That is the bike that won't go away, Jack! :LOL: It's trying to tell you something.
Looks like you've learned a lot about body work in the last 46 years. :) But the work you did then at least held up pretty well. I really like the history behind this car, so cool you have owned it so long and still have it. :)
Strange but neat story about the 'zuki....................some things are meant to be.
Lookin' good, Jack! I have never heard of Frank T Sargent's book, Keys to Metal Bumping, so I checked for it on Amazon - two used copies listed, one for $99 and one for $100!!:eek: Think I'll pass on those two :LOL:
I got mine new on Amazon for $19.?? It is a paperback reprint of the original with some updates from the 50s. I can well imagine the originals would go for a premium. I'm sure some more reprints will appear, hang in there.:)
Thanks Don,
The fact that I didn't take any pics of the underside of the fenders before cutting them apart was not accidental. When first done I used whatever scrap I had to join the pieces together using my AC buzz box. There was metal from .060 to .125 thick lap welded in, It wasn't pretty. The bondo on top was as much as .1875 thick, looked good on top but what a mess underneath.:eek::rolleyes::LOL: Hoping to just need a skim coat when I'm done this time. It will be an effort but I have more time than money.:LOL:
I went back to Amazon again, and this time it listed the reprints, too, two at $19.95 and another listing for $14 plus shipping. I ordered one to learn a bit about working metal. Thanks for the tip.;)