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Thread: Whatcha reckon????

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  1. #1
    Outback Rodder is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    A little corner of the world
    Car Year, Make, Model: Lil' Model A Roadsta ute

    Whatcha reckon????


    Here's one for you,

    What are the most unlikely choices of Hot Rod fodder, that have been rodded, or in 'your day' what were the fugly ducklings that are now considered a prime canvas for a rod.

    The '37 would be a case of this, would it not??

    There are many cars out there, which you would have to question 'what were they thinking' when they were designed, or were they just too far ahead of their time......???

    I've got bits of an early 30's Vauxhall, which were given to me, they are all the bits which make em look ugly, or give em the Vauxhall flavour, it only earns critisism, but I don't care, hehehe

    A rodder who got the car, chucked the front, and I came along to pick up the pieces, it cost me nothing, and kept me occupied while I was at School and when I had nothing else to work on....
    It now hangs in Dad's shed...

    Last edited by Outback Rodder; 03-03-2004 at 05:42 AM.
    Stand for somthing,
    or die for nothing!


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