Here's a little sampling of the new stuff you should try out! Still work for me to do, but progress has been made.
  • New Look - I took your feedback today and invested a bit of dough to get another style. Some work to do on it, but looking better!
  • Gallery is updated to latest software. Much better and more stable.
  • When you post a picture(s) in the gallery, a new thread can be created to show off the pics. Makes the stuff more visible to folks.
  • When posting pictures in a forum, there's now a link under the smilies for "my photos" which makes it SUPER EASY to get your pictures from the gallery to your post.
  • Media Gallery - You can add videos from youtube to the media gallery for easy viewing.
  • Pasting a youtube url in a thread will automatically embed the video in the thread.
  • Blogs - If you like writing blogs, now you can. Enjoy!
  • Gallery images show in your user profile
  • Now you can link your facebook account to your account here - mark threads/posts a "like" and it will show on your wall - Just click the "Facebook Connect" button on the top of the page.
  • and more...

Wish I could remember them all at the moment. Bill or someone will fill the gaps!

I know sometimes change is difficult, but there's a lot of good here too. I hope you find a way to like it. For those who hate it, I do apologize, and I'm doing my best to bridge that gap.