It is getting to be that time of year again!
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It is getting to be that time of year again!
Thanks for the pics, that track roadster is very well done!!!!
Yeah, its name was Slanted Six! Here are some more shots...
This show was in Oviedo, FL, 40th show!
Hope you enjoyed these shots!
nice pic's thanks for sharing
That '32 3 window with the spoke wheels is an amazing colour and also did you notice the fan for the oil cooler tuck up under the left front fender? Thanks for posting the photos and enjoyed looking at good sized and clear images. Oh,also a big pat on your back for including T Buckets in lens as most people don't both taking photos of buckets yet I love looking at them to get me motivated again on mine.
Thanks Whiplash, I'm glad you enjoyed them!
And until you mentioned it I had missed that fan...big fellow isn't it?
Yeah,thanx for the pix,Eric..Looks like a good little turnout..Nice cars..People still leaning their cry babies against their cars up there,I see...:D Got into a spot of strife with one of those,about 12 years ago..Long,but funny story..:LOL::LOL:
Well Robin,you will have to tell us about that now. I believed that had died off putting cry babies with your car?;)
Still getting used to the new format here...
Anyway, it is a disease that I don't understand! Did it ever infect your shows?
What do they gain by making great cars look stupid???
We had them cry babies down here too, But I have seen alot of differant props.
Pink Panther,Tweetie, Betty Boop, Woody Wood Pecker. you know all the above!!!
Whip,you might remember Nathan Devine..yellow and white 56 Pontiac h/top..He had to keep up with the craze back then..Used to lean the cry baby against the front of the yak..While on a session one Saturday,we got T bonez wife to make a big red tongue,about two feet long,and we fixed it on the inside of the grille..Its first day out was at the Kumeu festival,,with cry babies head thru the grille,and the big red tongue wrapped around its leg...Sorry,no pix..Nate got a phone call,and had to leave fairly quickly,,and he got down the road,about half a mile,and had to stop at a pedestrian crossing..Unfortunately,the couple crossing the road had a little kid about 5 years old with them,,and he saw the cry baby,which Nate had forgotten about,,,sticking out of the grille,,with a big tongue wrapped around its leg...even worse,,because of the cam,the engine was rockin and rollin a bit,and the cry babies leg was just touching the ground,and twitching away with the engine at idle...Well,mom and dad were furious at Nate,,kid was wailing his head off,poor little beggar,,and Nate was wondering what went wrong..until he realised what he had FORGOTTEN to do..There were red faces all round that night,,as we had all forgotten about it..:eek::eek:
Too Funny with the red tongue. I really don't understand the cry baby thing and what they have to do with our cars at these shows. Sometimes I think that some of the wives come up with this stuff (no offense to hands on builder Barb of course) Its a way to include them in the show display or something.
Thanks for the great pics! Don Jr.
Heck that must of been funny and I had a good laugh just reading your story Robin so thanks for filling us in. I too can't understand why one would want to take away from the car by distracting one by having a doll of any description on the car .:eek:
Nice pics looks like a fun show!
Great story, Robin, and some terrific pics of some nice vehicles. Thanks for posting!!!
Thanks for the story Robin, turned my frown into a grin!!!