Here you go, Don.
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Here you go, Don.
Thanks for the pics. Those two go together like ice cream and apple pie:), like a hot rod and smoking tires:D, like a beautiful girl and......well, I'll let you finish the picture:rolleyes::LOL:.
M-mmm-mmm!!! That's about all I'm gonna say; I'm sittin' here grinning like the Cheshire Cat.:cool::toocool:
Yep. That one captures it. Don't get any better.
Wow RSpears; That is way cool!!! Who would have thought you could see something like that together again after all the years had passed.
Pretty awesome alright..Looks good in black and white too..Nice shots..nice koop..
The plane has an interesting story from a family perspective, too. Built in 1946 in Coffeyville, KS it was first owned by a doctor in the small town of Hiawatha, up by St Joseph. The doctor later sold it to the KC Flying Club, made up mostly of TWA Flight Engineers who liked to fly for pleasure. One was the father of the current owner who learned to fly in this plane in the early '60's at the age of 14. After retiring from the army he joined the experimental aircraft association, wondered about the old Funk, found that it had been sold into Mexico and he and his partner managed to visit and meet the owner in '96. In '03 he received a call, asking if he was interested in buying the plane, they flew down, found it to be in good condition and brought it back to the US for a four year restoration. He remembers a particular flight in the plane at age 3, burned into his memory by a forced landing!