Found these 2:
Street Rods, Hot Rods, Muscle Cars at HotRod
Street Rods, Hot Rods, Muscle Cars at HotRod
Opinions about either?
Either worth buying? Is the asking price fair?
Anyone know either of these cars?
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Found these 2:
Street Rods, Hot Rods, Muscle Cars at HotRod
Street Rods, Hot Rods, Muscle Cars at HotRod
Opinions about either?
Either worth buying? Is the asking price fair?
Anyone know either of these cars?
I personally like the solid black car. does either one come with the top? Just my thinking both cars look really nice, but to me it would be easier to make the solid colored car yours. (if you know what iam trying to say)
I think the question should be.. Do I want flames or no-flames?
Both look awsome!
Yup, I'd go with the solid black as well. I like the interior and the engine better than the one with flames.
At first I thought the laid back windshield was a bit different, but after looking at sg4356's avatar...
Both roadsters are fine looking cars, at least from the pictures that they took. Are there warts that cannot be seen?? Impossible to tell. On the flamed unit one thing that jumps out at me is the statement, "Motor and tranny are a fresh setup and function as they should..." What does "fresh setup" mean? The second one has a " crate engine" which is only as good as the builder. As for looks, the flamed one jumps out at me a little more and the guy gives a lot of details; but that laid back windshield on the plain one is nice, too. The only opinion that matters is yours, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, etc, etc. Worth buying? Fair price? Only you can decide once you see "the one", fall in love, and negotiate your best price.
IMO the only question that is really meaningful is, "Anyone know either of these cars?", and I do not. Best of luck in your search for your dream car.
Looks wise I like the flames. But I wanted an open side hood. I can always add flames to the all black.
I'm more interested in your guys opinion of build, chassis, parts, equipment and accessories. I would be freaking thrilled with either i think, as long as they don't have issues.
The all black car ad says it has a 9" Ford rear end. What kind of 9" has a back cover plate? Currie has the Track 9, but this doesn't look like one. No big deal, just idle curiosity. I would have liked to see a front end shot on the flamed car. Also, the flames on the outside AND in the upholstery panels was a bit much for me - but that's just me. Buying without an upfront inspection and a test drive is always a risk. Either find someone who knows the cars, or perhaps there is a local NSRA inspector in each area that could do an inspection for a reasonable fee.
Jack's idea of a local NSRA inspector is a good one - impartial, but schooled in safe fabrication. On the cover, is that maybe one something like those from OTB that glues on?
9" Ford rear end cover
Roger kinda got it, the cover is made by ET (the wheel guys)
The windsheild (layback) is a Dick rodwell (Hi $$$$$$ Item)
If you could combine parts from both cars ya's have a killer car.
Just my 2 cents, but a bobbed hiboy don't get it 4 me.
Gas tank in the trunk means no trunk space.
Just a couple of the many I've built attached
I'll take the black one in the middle in S002!
I love the look of the open side hood, with the chrome windshield and red interior.
I think I prefer the standard upright window over the layback.
But I really prefer manual. Is that a "No-No" with these cars? Most seam to come automatic.
Is the Snug Harbor Hot Rod Engine a decent engine? I have never heard of it.
Automatics are much easier to build, and many prefer their "convenience". I too prefer a manual, opting for the old saying "Real Hot Rods have three pedals", but would definitely advise a five or six speed with a strong overdrive for the road. I run 4.11's with a Tremec TKO600, scary strong through the gears but cruises 2000rpm at just a hair over 70mph.
Can't help you with Snug Harbor. They're an Oklahoma company with good web advertising. Might call them and ask for some references?
Sold all 3 of those a few years ago @ the L A Roadster Show.
Re: 3 pedals. How biga shoe ya wear?
Not much room down there with 3 pedals.
I'm a builder, and have built and sold over 40 32's in the last 7 years.
Got any other ????'s
Give me a call @ 580-SUM-C00L (786-2005)
I plan on building eventually. But I don't even know enough to know what I want and don't want yet. And I am assuming that building will cost me more $$$ then a pre-owned purchase in this economy.
I figured the best thing to do is get into a sub $30K (hoping closer to $27K'ish) pre-owned glass '32 and learn what I like and don't like.
I am in the process of selling a very good quality Backdraft Racing Cobra replica. And one of the big things I learned is that I don't like driving cars with side pipes or really LOUD cars. I enjoy the beautiful rumble or wine of a properly muffled rear exhaust. Gonna have one built now that I know what i want and like... But a lot of the things I thought I wanted before I owned and drove one, I don't want or don't like...
And I live in NJ where out laws are crazy. So I need the car to be titled as a '32 so I can get historic or hot rod plates. Otherwise it will need Cat's and a good exhaust system to pass emissions.
What I THINK I want so far is:
'32 Roadster High Boy
Black with flames (blue purple or red yellow)
Open side, top covered hood (don't now what that's called) - maybe a 1 piece hood I think...
Enough power to make it fun, but not so much that I can't let a buddy drive it and worry about him hurting us.
Under car exhaust with mufflers (might need cat's if the state gives me issues)
enough chrome all around to make me smile
Upright front windshield
Red interior
Prefer manual, but I think I would get automatic for the first buy since it will definitely be sold and needs to have good resale potential. If I build one eventually, I'll definitely put in manual. If A manual transmission is a PLUS, then I'd go for manual from the start...
And whatever I buy needs to be a good price to I can eventually sell it and not loose anything, or at least not lose a lot...
From a looks standpoint, I like the one with the flames and think it could be a good learner/starter car. But he's asking $32K (which is just too much) and I think the other car offers more for my money (especially at $3K asking price less before haggling begins).
Oh, and I'm small. 5'6" and I wear a size 8.5 or 9 shoe. I don't think the snug 3 pedals would be an issue...
If you can build me what I just described for $27K, I'm in! ;)
PS - you do beautiful work DA34guy!
Sorry Don mine is a pedal car and I have no problem with three pedals. Don builds a badass car IMO, and we will not say anything about him being a really good guy. He trys to act like he is mean but he is not. As far as a big horse power engine forget it and save your money, they are really light and scary fast agian IMO
Dennie, Thanx for the Kudos
Matt, Yer funny - Can't even start to buy the parts for what you described.
Lotsa ways to cut corners on a build (which I suspect was done on both cars you showed)
I refuse to cut corners, it'll alway bite ya in the butt down the road.
Like puttin a band-aid on a heart attack.
Do it once and do it right, ya won't be satified if ya short change your self.
Case in point.
Had a customer (about 4 years ago who said he had a budget of 35 K, Built him his requested car.
6 months later he comes back and wants updates.
Add 10K.
Now he's got 45 in it.
Told him when he payed the bill, that if he would have done the updates on the original build it would of only cost around $6500.
His statement to me was " Guess I should have listened to you Don"
Seems most 1 st timers have it "set in stone" they know more than some one who's been doin it for 40 + years.
Good luck on your journey.
A couple more to wet yer whistle.
I openly declare that I know NOTHING. That's my problem. I don't even know what I don't know! :)
What I do know is that if I spent $45K on a build for what I thought I wanted, I 'd have an incredible car that I probably don't love... I'd rather buy a halfway car for less $$, learn what I like and don't like. Flip it and then call you for a real build.
What I need, is advice on the cars in the price range I'm looking at. Are the two cars I'm looking at decent for what they are? Which do you think would be more desirearable on resale? Which (or both) would give me a good sense of what these cars represent so that I can learn their feel, power, sound, handling, comfort so that I can learn what I need to build a great car on the next go-round?
Or are both bad choices and should I keep looking?
Are there other places to find a good selection of pre-owned 1932 Roadsters?
Well I still think the solid Black car. (More bang for your buck) . Look at deuces limited. Real good place for Deuces. See you there
Matt, not trying to be mean here, but you don't seem to be reading the advice people are giving you, but maybe you're trying to narrow down what you have someone look at for you? You declare that you "know NOTHING" and it seems like you're asking guys on a forum (one of the best, most informed forums, to your credit), guys you don't know, to pick out a car from ads that is going to keep you whole as you learn. The best anyone can do is offer opinion on what is stated, and what looks best in pictures that are intended to flatter the car. Here's an idea - in your "Looking For A Kit" thread you mentioned HB Classics as your closest N&N Dealer. He's smart enough to know the value of a good base roller, and honest enough to tell you to buy used vs him building new. How about going to visit him, spend a couple of hours looking at features, and seeing if he knows anyone that has a good car for sale that fits your needs? Just an idea.
If you don't like that, the solid black one is a better choice, even though I like the look of the flames. Pick up a Hemmings - lots of cars there, too.
Oh yeah, here's the latest
I spoke with him. He told me to buy used, without even talking price or anything. But going there and seeing his product and speaking with him is a great idea. He's not close (about 3 hours away) but it might be worth it.
I missed the huge meet here in NJ a week or so ago. I was working all day and couldn't make it.
I have heard and welcome everyone's advice. What I need is to spend some time behind a wheel and that's hard to come buy anywhere. I don't know anyone who owns one of these cars locally. And even then, the lessons gleaned from driving something regularly for a few weeks or months trumps any other experience.
Hemmings is also a great idea. But I didn't see any Deuce's or HighBoys listed. I guess it's listed under '32 Roadster...
I think I'll keep watching for now. I too like the looks of the flamed car better but know that the all black is a better deal...
And to be honest, I have reached out to both and have not heard back from either...
Another one is Autabuy Muscle Cars, Classic Cars, Sports Cars, Hot Rods, Trucks, SUVs, Parts, and Accessories for sale! :: Just looked at the September issue at the barber shop and there are some deals out there, especially on some projects with work remaining. Main thing is if you don't know what you're looking for paying a guy from NSRA or a qualified appraiser to look at a potential car is money well spent, IMO.
Thanks for the autabuy site.
Ok. Been lookin a lot. Seams that for me to get what I want and something of quality will cost me closer to $35k'ish or a scootch more.
Hey, I'm learning. Now I just need to be patient and wait for the right one. And get it inspected by someone trustworthy.
Gonna put up some other links to see if I'm getting closer. ;)
1932 Ford Roadster Street Rod Classic For Sale ::
getting closer? (although I don't love the color)...
Matt, according to the info in the ad, this car was built by Street Rods by Michael, Shelbyville, TN. Michael Young is a very reputable builder and a hell of a nice guy. If you are seriously interested in this car, I'm sure you could call him and he would gladly give you any and all info you needed regarding the build.
After browsing around the SRbM site using the link above, I'm sure the car in your link is the same as this one on SRbM's site. Most noticeable in both cars are the removable hard top, the dash trim for the gauges and the windshield posts, all very unique features. What do you think?
I like the last one, but I really want black...
How about this one?
Street Rods, Hot Rods, Muscle Cars at HotRod
I am seriously considering it. Spoke with the owner. He's a 70 year old Hot Rod Veteran; and a true car guy. Gonna get an inspection (by David Kennedy in TN) and see where it goes....
It looks like a nice, basic '32 roadster. And if it was built by Michael, it will have excellent workmanship. The price is maybe a little high--if you see it for yourself and are suitably impressed, I would try to negotiate down at least 2K. My 2 cents . . . .
K. Thanks.
You say "basic". What would you do to it ?
It's not built by Michael. It is a Bebop body on a Michael frame. Built by a reputable professional shop.
I don't mean to minimize the car by calling it basic. But it has a carbureted 350 engine and 350 transmission which are very typical for many, many street rods. And the color is basic black, a very popular color for highboys. It would provide a nice canvas for tweeking it if you so desired. It is a car that I would not mind having in my driveway. What I am trying to say it there is nothing out of the ordinary about that car, and that is why I thought it was priced a little high.
Ok. I'm good with basic than.
I put a deposit on the car. I had a friend check it out and am waiting for the inspection.
I like the fact that it is solid, clean, simple and a good place to start. I am paying his asking price, but for that the car is going back to it's place of birth for a Glideseat install (so the car fits my little 5'6" body) and complete customization of the interior to make that happen. Which will run about $1500-2000. So I'm ok with the price.
And it's worth a bit extra to know I'm buying from a true street rodder who knows his stuff and loves his cars.