Got run off the road last night on the way to a cruise-in .......... black BMW passing in a no passing zone .......... to keep from getting hit head on, he cut back in on me and to avoid a collision I took to the bar ditch ........... I didn't get a license number as I was too busy trying to keep the Thames from rolling over ........... windows were blacked out on the BMW so I didn't get a look at the driver .......... was able to drive the Thames back out of the ditch without stopping (knew if I stopped down there he would have to be pulled out) .......... got on up to the cruise-in (about 2 miles away) and got my first look at the car ........ not as much damage as I expected but he was dumping a whole load of coolant on the parking lot ......... the Highway Patrol called a rollback for me so I could get him home .......... couldn't find the source of the coolant leak while I was waiting for the tow (about a dozen guys were looking for it) ......... we'll load him up with water, roll him out of the garage, start him up and see if we can find the damage ............ BMW never stopped or slowed down .......... Highway Patrol said that without the plate number there really wasn't anything they could do ......... but the patrolman also said they answer this type of call about a half dozen times a month on this stretch of Hwy 68 .......... Oh well, just glad we didn't roll it and nobody got hurt