You may have seen my build log, and I think at some point I mentioned this but.....
Have you ever had a project that seamed to have a mind of it's own and fight you at every turn as if to say "I do not wish to be born!". Well my soon to be youngest, (Hot Rod) has this attitude. Just like Mr Murphy proclaimed " If it can possibly go wrong, I'll make certain it Does". There were several things, that despite what I thought to be careful planning I managed to over look.......... well that I F*&%$# up, would be more accurate. Several parts that I just had to have in the build, made for a number of problems I didn't count on. Problem solved and move on to new problem. Brake lines too short, despite I used same lines on last build, chassis same width, and axle actually 1" narrower. Brake drums that were wrong, fixed that problem, went to put shoes on drum rubbed. Oops 1 3/4 drums not 2" ones. Oh well have new 1 3/4 shoes and will put up 2" ones as spares for 48. Hurst type mount that advertised being able to use stock fuel pump........ only if you don't use a biscuit or frame mount on that side. Oh well elect fuel pump it is............ And apparently after 53 years I am still not really capable of accurately reading a tape measure. Now it's not too bad, if like yesterday, you cut it 1" too long as opposed to too short. And I measured at least twice. And looked at the tape wrong at least twice............ Oh and if you get a used rear end, even if it's out of an unwrecked car, clean it up and check the tubes for straightness before you weld all the mounts, and spring pockets on. Yeah you guessed it. I cleaned up what I needed to weld then later pulled the diff, cleaned and painted. Now that nice shiny silver paint showed the drivers side tube bent slightly down and forward. I thought that wheel looked crooked, but I have almost no room on that side in the garage so I thought it was an optical illusion. And I am sure it isn't from welding as it is not where it would warp from welding. And although I have built only 2 hot rods I have welded brackets on many rear ends for race cars for about 30 years. That Damed Murphy. But it's not Murphy it's the car, no maybe it's just me. You know that guy you looked at, shook your head, and muttered, he could F....... up a wet dream. I am having days were apparently I AM that GUY........

Now I don't want you to get the idea I am down on myself. I'm not. At least not today. Today I find it amusing. Now last week, 102 in the garage, in the middle of the brakes, as expletives flew freely, as well as a few wrenches and a B.F.H. (Big F........ Hammer), well that wasn't so funny, at least not then. Good side is my neighbors all know now in very explicit terms just what I think of Chinese parts and Ford engineers..........

Now that I've laughed at myself, and hopefully you have laughed as well, whats your fight? I can't be the only one. What went wrong on your project? What happened that you thought "How the F.... did I manage that"?

I am sure I will have more, moments, that is. And I will post them here so we may all have a good laugh. My memory doesn't allow the recall of more specific ones now. There have been just way too many this last year............

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