.... and I don't believe it has anything to do with our little off-road excursion ........ I headed down to the weekly Thursday night cruise-in ........ stopped and got a tank of gas ........ temp at 195, but that would be normal after being turned off at the pumps ........ headed back out for the gathering and the temp continued to climb ........ reached nearly 230 before I could get some clean running back to the house ........ was at 205 when I got home ........ shut hm off and unfastened the nose and tilted it down ........ no coolant leaking this time, but when I turned on the ignition to check the fan ......... nothing, nada, nyet, zip, zilch ........ the fan is thermostatically controlled to come on at 180*, and that's not happening

Hope it's just the sensor and not the fan itself ........ I have a spare toggle switch on the dash and I'm really thinking about direct wiring the fan to that switch (if the fan is indeed ok) ......... I'm getting a little tired of all this fancy stuff going out ......... we'll check it again in the morning, but I think that's my problem ...... intermittant fan