Two words: Animal Control
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Two words: Animal Control
I ordered the triangulated 4 link last night, so hopefully it'll get here by next Tuesday or so. I also think I decided to go with 1 5/8" .095 wall tube to make the X brace out of. I have some 10 gauge I'll box the frame with. Then to decide to air bag the rear or what. I have some air bags from a helper kit I can use for mock up for now. We're also going to Vintage Torque Fest next weekend so maybe I'll see some cool 39s and 40s to stare at. :LOL:
Yesterday I got some seats I'm going to run for now. They are black and gray buckets in the front and a split rear sort of. They came out of a GTP Grand Prix. Today I'm going to be getting 2 20' sticks of 1 5/8" .120 wall tube to make my X member out of. I'm gettign excited. :LOL:
Progress is always good
Well guys, I have some good news. I have some good progress on the 40!!! I didn't get nearly as much done as I hoped, but none the less, it's getting worked on again.
First off, I got lucky and the raccoon and her family left on their own so I didn't have to deal with anything other than their phesis. The weather wasn't the greatest last week, but I managed to get around that.
Ok, first off I started by making a dolly to put my body on so I can move it around. Lifting the body up was kind of sketch as the only thing I felt safe using was 2 cherry pickers. I think I'll be borrowing an A-frame to set it back on with. I had to use a floor jack and a block of wood to steady the body but we got it worked out.
I started removing un needed stuff and taking a lot of measurements. Then I braced it and removed the original X member.
Another of the frame dolly. I made it from things I had laying in my steel rack. I've been saving some of this heavy stuff for a while and it paid off. :LOL:
Next I started boxing the frame.
This is where I'm at today. I'm going to get the frame rails boxed to just about half way up the rear swoop up the frame rail, and then build my new X member. Then I will remove the original leaf spring cross member and box the rest. My triangulated 4 link showed up as well. I'm still trying to decide on coil overs or air bags. I'm really leaning towards air bags though. I also went to Torque Fest last weekend and picked up a set of headers for the 354. I'll share some pics as I get them uploaded as there are a lt of them.
Outstanding progress! Way cool... Thanks for the pics also...
WooHoo, Ryan!!! Congrats!! That's exciting! Wish I had some news like that....:(:CRY:
Thanks guys. It feels good to be working on it again.
I like changing the x member and boxing the frame. You are going to make a difference in the chassis stiffness which is a good thing. Charge on!
Thanks Scoot! I found some nice holes in the frame that I never noticed before either. Apparently when who ever hacked off the old spring hanger brackets they also cut into the frame. I cleaned that all up and welded the holes from the inside. I also welded the holes shut on the inside for the un needed hanger bracket since my new mounts will be welded on. Then I cleaned up my boxing plates and the frame some more and started weldong them in. I try to weld a little and then go away so I don't get the frame too hot. It's hard to do that when you're trying to get something done. :LOL:
Tomorrow hopefully I can get the LH rail done this far back and then I can start on the new X member. I'm trying to decide if I want to C notch the frame or not right now. I'm thinking I might as well so it's done. We shall see.
Randy, I've decided to just drill a hole through the frame boxing plates for the running board brackets, and the same for the body mounting bolts. This way if my frame shifts during this recreation, I won't have to monkey around with trying to get the bolts to line up in the welded in nuts. I almost baught premade boxing plates, but I had a partial sheet of 1/8" mild steel hiding behind one of my tool boxes for a while, and a nice Snap-on plasma cutter, so I am just making them. I used the money for boxing plates to buy the rear suspension. I've got to decide what air bags I want to run now and get them so I can get all that set up as well.
Today it was pretty nice out, just a little warm for May. Supposed to be 93* today and 61* with rain tomorrow. :LOL: I found some more small holes from a torch, and one patch that was put in the frame. They did a pretty decent job on the patch. I went ahead and welded it from the back and filled in the torch holes. I also tacked what is left of the X member to the rail so there wouldn't be any weird noises later down the road.
Last year I purchased a Nu-tech welder and I never have been satisfied with how it welded small material. I finally got a hold of them and they alluded that the lower ground on the welder is for thinner materials. I had looked in the owner's manual but never read that. I switched it and holly cow. Night and day difference.
Here's where it's at now. Tomorrow my plan is to start on the X member.
Excellent work! Mmmm......that Hemi is making my mouth water.