You're doing a nice job there. Looks like some tricky work.
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You're doing a nice job there. Looks like some tricky work.
Got the stock back seat out of my 40 2 door sedan. It is currently upholstered in Black Velvet and sits great. If you are interested, free to you another 40 lover, you just have to pay the shipping. Ray, Rio Rancho, New Mexico
There it is Ryan, easy peasy lemon squeezy !
Big but light, that will help. Greyhound limits 29 high x 47 wide x 82 long and 100 lbs. I will measure the seat tomorrow. It might fit. I could wrap in cardboard and plastic wrap, what do you think?
Ryan, looks like you're making progress. I've been so busy on my car lately, I haven't been keeping up with builds like yours. I finally took the time today to get caught up on this one.
It's a shame we're so far apart. I could have modified the axles or brake rotors to fit for you.
Like you, I ditched the Explorer axle in the Healey and went to a 9". I just haven't posted that up yet. What size bearing does your Bronco rearend have? If it had the Torino style housing, then the Explorer disc brakes should just about fit. I have a Currie rear in the 46 and it has an Explorer disc kit. If I recall, there was a spacer that had to installed on the bearing, but they are available separate.
Mike, if I remember correctly it is a small bearing housing. I actually purchased dome rotors for an 04-06 E-150 that are looking promising to fit on these axles. Here's the kicker.... This morning I went and bought another 58 Ford 9". Basically what I took out of it 4 years ago. :LOL: Oh well. I have one for when I find a 40 to build for my daughter.
Boy oh boy this year just keeps throwing curve balls!!!! 97* last Sunday and then a low of 46* Tuesday night. Craziness.
Anyhow, my next pair of rotors showed up and they fit! I might have to have a shim made to help center them but I don't think that will be a big problem. I haven't had much free time to work on it but I got the LH shock mount in and started filling in the pieces. O wish I would have made it one piece now but I wanted to tie the seams into each bar behind it. No one will ever see it when the floor is over it any way so I don't know why I am worrying.
Looking great, Ryan! I wish I had done a 9” instead of the 8.8 in my 48; that offset makes the driveshaft look caddy-wompas.
Yes the off set in ford 9" is a pain. BUT when you narrow them you can center them in the tunnel Done it many times.
some Ford vehicles had an offset engine to the right which also then created even more driveshaft/pinion offset------with lucky choice of the source, sometimes only had to narrow one side of housing----
ford vans had long / short axles . i still have a 9in laying around .
Yeah I still have one in the shop and think thee are two more out in the shed. just about anything I built left here with a 9' narrowed they are so easy to do and are stronger than GM 10 bolts.
Quick look at Greyhound, 2 packages under 62inches, Albuquerque NM to Des Moines Iowa = $171 =Is that too much for you?
Seats each one around 40 lbs
I've been super busy lately with everything going on. I did manage to get some good progress made on the 40. The last few weeks winter appeared and that killed my progress.
I used 16ga to make the new back seat area. I was going to put beads in it but the bead roller I have wasn't up to the task. Instead I have some braces to put under the back seat. These are also going to be supports for seat belts to tie into.
I got all the rear suspension bridge done and I just have to finish weld things underneath. I also fixed my upper link mounts on the rear end housing. They were angled before and now are parallel with the rest of the joints.
Good progress!
Hey Ryan, it's great to see you making progress! I'm curious what kind of back seat you're going to put in there given the height of the new platform you added...did you notch the frame rails for the axles?
I was trying to get it to a point so I could take it to our town's car show but that didn't happen. I've been trying to get the body closed back up so I can put it back in storage as the customer work load is pretty high.
I still hadn't finished the toe board area from when I replaced the fire wall. I welded the inside of the firewall to the cowl on the inside and made some pieces to tie the floor and firewall back in. I also installed the body bushings I didn't have in and bolted them all down. I had to remove the front body bushings to install the floor pieces. Now I have the doors shutting like they were before I tore the car apart. Not great but they shut and latch. I think I'm going to have to cut the hinges off the a pillar to get them better as the hinges are welded to the a pillars.
Since home schooling is in session Clint has been coming out helping in the garage. First I had him work on cleaning up the engine some more because I was going to put some color on it. Then I showed him how to sand and he has been sanding where he can. I had him using blocks but they hurt his hands. I kept telling him it's character building. :LOL:
It's nice to see the front clip back on this thing. I've moved the fenders many times and it is nerve wracking each time trying not to tear them up. Izzy loves this car and was glad to finally be able to set in it again.
I really can't wait to get this car operational again. It's starting to look like I was hoping it would. I ordered some fake plates while I wait for the personalized Iowa plates. Hopefully I get my first choice.
I had been searching for a while to figure out where Uncle Jerry's original license plates went. No one knew or remembered them the last 10 years. Last summer I ran into Aunt Nancy's son Mike and I drilled him about them. He claimed he didn't have them but I know they raided their house. That's how I got Uncle Jerry's gas pump.
One day I just decided to call Jerry's old friend Gene to ask him where the rear license plate was at on Sooner. Gene is the man who spear headed the "restoration" of Sooner in the late 90s. For some reason I remember it being above the tail light on the RH fender but Gene says it was always on the trunk lid. So I asked him if he knew where the original plates were and he said he couldn't remember who ended up with them. He called me back in a little while and said, "Did you mean the FSBS plates?" I said yes of course. He laughed and said he knew where 1 was but couldn't remember who had the other.
He told me back in the day Gene and 3 others started a club/group and they always cruised together etc. These 4 guys all had black sedans. One thing lead to another and they called themselves the FSBS gang. Friendly strangers in a black sedan. Not long after that my uncle joined and was always one of the main members. He was a long time member of the ISRA too. Gene said over the years the name got different meanings too. I knew of a couple of them. Full of *hit and bull *hit, Fat slob in a black sled, Fn stupid bastard in a laid out sled, and some others I don't remember. He said the group came up with the name from an old song and I can not remember the name of it or the artist.
Then he shut the door that led you into his paint booth. This door is never closed so I never knew Sooner's original plate was hiding there. He said he has a lot of sentimental value in that plate so you can have it when I kick the bucket. I'll put your name on it. Well, at least I got to see it and I know where it is at. Jerry's license plate frame is still with it too. I showed him pics of the car now and he loves it. I'm hoping that I can drive it over there next spring and maybe he'll feel bad enough to hand over the plate. :LOL:
Iowa recently came out with black and white plates that are special request. I put in for FSBS so hopefully I get it. Then at least it will be one more step to how it used to be.
Here are some pics Gene has on his shop wall of Sooner after they finished it in around 01. He said he wished they would have done some stuff differently. I thanked him for just doing it but then told him he could have saved me a lot of money and head ache if he wouldn't have. I could have just got it from my aunt and carried on. He just laughed. :LOL:
The next to last pic is Gene with his last project he says he's going to do. He did sell Later before Covid came about. He has a 40 standard project I'd like to buy for my daughter but I'm a little shy on the bank account for it. :LOL:
The last pic is the seats back in the 40. I made some quick brackets out of some 1x2 but might change them out for something else.
A good story.
You already know the history of the car; but to have original 'attachments' (as in the plate,) returned to it would really be the icing on the cake.
Good luck with getting the actual original!
Another thing I have been working on is the air cleaner. I originally made a lower but I didn't like how un even it was. I adopted a trick from Robert, but only half way the first time. I only used one buck before. This time I made 2 bucks and sandwiched the 16ga in between them. I also screwed it all together. This one is much nicer. It's more consistent, flat, and thicker.
I cut out the centers of 2 air cleaner lids. One is crowned and one is flat so it is eating at me to find another crowned or flat one to make them the same. OCD? :LOL:
Currently I have the air cleaner centered with the body and some what centered over the engine. I'm still having bad thoughts of adapting that TA scoop to the top of it and have it go through the hood..... :eek:
Ryan.... listen to the beginning! You'll figure it out! LOL
And a lot of very nice work there, great progress! Love the air cleaner so far, some times more is less?
Air cleaner looks good. That hemi looks perfect in there, every hot rod should have one.
Lookin' good! Looks like it'll be rolling soon. Nice work too.
That's it! Awesome, thank you!!!
Thanks. I'm not sure I'll mess with the TA scoop yet but I had an idea of making an enclosure for the bottom to add the TA set up up top but I'm afraid it will look dumb and bulky. So I may refrain from it. :LOL:
Thank you, and I agree. I've been trying to find another but they are hard to find. I guess I did forget to mention in this thread that I traded my 354 for a 392 in the same shape as mine. A guy I ran across had a 56 New Yorker he wanted a 354 for so we worked a deal and I got his 392. I kept my valve covers, headers, and intake/carbs. This 92 had less miles than my 354 too. I was pretty stoked about that.
That sounds like a trade you couldn't pass up.
This weekend I cleaned out my lawn shed (crap collector) so I could actually put stuff away and try to organize. I was trying to get the kids's mack power wheel out of the garage truth be told. :LOL:
While rearranging, I found the TA scoop I got from my cousin last year. The bad ideas were flowing and I decided to set it on my air cleaner top. Hmmm. :LOL:
At this point I thought, no the box the air filter would have to set in would have to be huge and it would look stupid. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to see how big this thing really would be. Saturday night at 11:30 I went out and got out the tape measure. By my measurements the air filter enclosure would only be about 5" tall and put the scoop just below the bottom of the hood. Now I'm thinking this wouldn't be so bad. :cool: I think it would look even more cool if the scoop was turned around facing forward. When I was a kid I had a lego car I made that was Uncle Jerry's car. It had a scoop through the hood as well. Now maybe it will become reality?
On Sunday I was working outside and I had a vision. Since I'm bringing back the whole FSBS thing with this car, how cool would it be to have the original members names painted on the air cleaner housing? Some of the guys are probably still around or at least their family members might be going to rod shows etc. That is my plan currently.
Last week I reached out to the Iowa Street Road Assoc. to see if I could get any info they may have on how long my Uncle was a member etc. I haven't heard anything back yet. We'll see. I might just have to ask Gene and see what he can remember. I found an ISRA member pin, and a couple of cups my Aunt gave me before she passed away a few years ago. I'm seriously thinking about epoxying them to the vintage cooler I got to make a battery box for the trunk. Make it like a display. Or maybe I'll get an old food serving tray and place it on the side window like an old burger joint would have done?
I still say that the "box" could be a 671 blower! C'mon, you know you want to do it!!
I don't like it since it screws up the lines of one of the most beautiful cars Henry ever produced. Just my $.02 worth.
I seem to prefer it with the opening in the back.. the "taper" of the scoop fits better to my eye.
what was that saying on my old Tee shirt?? oh yeah, Injection is nice but I'd rather be blown!