Well it's looking great from here! :D
I wasn't around while you were working on it last week but I would've also suggested getting more air under the frame. So I was glad to read that you already made that decision.:D
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Well it's looking great from here! :D
I wasn't around while you were working on it last week but I would've also suggested getting more air under the frame. So I was glad to read that you already made that decision.:D
Yeah, I decided that once it's set, going up will be harder than adjusting for a lower ride height.
You are going to raise the upper left bar at the rear so the end is level with housing?????
Jerry, with the way it was in the pics, I'd have to raise the mount on the H side of the center of the rear end so it would be the same height as the LH mount. I can't put the mounts in the same spot of the housing due to the offset in the housing for the carrier center section.
I didn't get anything major done on it this weekend. I purchased a straight truck box for storage, so work on the 40 is on a stand still for now. I'm picking up the pieces and putting it in storage for now. I have some out side work I need to get done and I'm hoping to add another bay on before the white stuff flies. Then work on the 40 can start back up.
I haven't made any progress on the car. But I did move the frame on Sunday, and I figured I need to start pricing things to rebuild the engine. That led me to re-evaluating my entire game plan. Every fall for the past 2 at least, I've been saying, "I'll get the car done enough to drive by summer." Every winter I buy parts and things come up. Well, this spring we are going to start the first house buying process. I have a big plan to get all the vehicles I have mobile on their own before this if possible. I've been buying all the fancy things I think my 72 needs and now I've came to a realization. If I continue dumping boat loads of cash in the 72, nothing else will et done. Right now, my mind set is to forget puting turbos on the 40. I won't rebuild the engine this year. I'll reseal it and put the oil system parts it needs to run the new filter set up, get an aluminum intake, and just get what it needs to run and drive. It's still a big list, but nearly as bad with a hemi rebuild. That will save $3000 minimum for now. I can concentrate on that if an issue arises in the engine, or I just do it. Well, there is the grand plan today. We'll see how it plays out. Haha
Ryan, I agree with you on getting the Hemi in and just running. The effort you use on getting it mounted, body back on frame, and it running is not a duplicate of effort if you elect to rebuild the motor. It sure is inspiring if you can just drive the car around some and get that good old hot rod feeling back in your shoes. Go for it, you can always make more power. If you do, you will also have a good solid car to compare the power change and output to. Rooting for you!
Thanks sir. A few of my buddies are trying to get me to just cram an LS in it. For the cost it is intriguing. But, I have all this invested in the Hemi. And the Hemi trumps an LS in cool factor. :LOL:
Not that it matters but I agree with your decisions. Getting the car driveable will be a milestone in itself after all the frame fixing that you've already done. And then there's the corvette and I think you had 2 or 3 other projects going on at the same time.?.?.?
Simple and achievable will work bet for now. imho.. 8-)
Yeah, there are a bunch of projects going on. That doesn't help. Someday maybe I can control that? I don't know. This winter I want to concentrate on the 72, and 40. I was going to build a 72 Suburban for a DD but I think that may wait. I will at some point do some body work to the 95 and it will be my DD hopefully sooner than later.
Yep. Like you I found myself with a bunch of work.. for me it was for many different friends and family and then the job. I actually "lost" the whole summer to work!
I found myself totally burnt out and went to hide out with Mr. Spears in the Midwest. I've shed most of the tasks and only 2 or 3 left. So getting back onto my coupe
will become a priority again. I've only driven it abut 6 or 7 miles I think in all of 2014. To me that is sad.
Apparently I made a mistake in telling my wife how I had to get my chop saw to work. She was out at the shop about a month ago and saw me start it. She asked why I had to do that and I told her it was worn out. It probably needed new brushes. Sometimes it wouldn't spin, but if you just brushed the disc it would start. So, to make a long story short, my parent's had my name this year for Christmas, and got me a new chop saw! Hopefully this one cuts a little straighter than my old one.
I've never tried one of those.. not sure why. Just haven't. I usually go for my sawzall.
Attachment 62931
40 I think Jerry Clayton was referring to the alignment of the links ,, this will produce a counter twist . They need to be parallel to each other . You can cut taller mounts and place them 90 degrees to the housing . You are doing some great frame strengthening ,, they helped me so much here on my A frame .
Bobby, those were just sat there for a quick mock up. I have to make new upper mounts for them to be in the correct position. I just wanted to get an idea how bad things were going to be.
Don't get excited, no progress on this one. Haha
But, the other day my wife was on the phone with my mother. Mom asked my wife if I had anyone coming to look at any parts, and I didn't. She said she'd call us back. Well come to find out, it was a brother of the guy whom owned my 40 before my uncle. He told my mom he had lost track of it after it was sold from the guy I purchased it from. I guess the man would like to see it again before he leaves this world. My mom told him he could see parts of it because it's torn apart to be fixed. :LOL: He asked when it'd be back together and of course she had no idea. He didn't leave a number, he just said he'd come back. Maybe I'll get it together for next year and the guy will still be around? We shall see.