Nah, I didn't even harass him. I saved that for my kids. :LOL: Luckily the lights covered the holes. I'm kind of thinking about painting the bases the color of that area but the chrome doesn't look bad either imo. Yesterday I finished the passenger side exhaust pipe now I just need to add a few hangers. I also started making my last PS pump bracket. Once that is on I can put the front of the engine back together. I'm trying to decide to mask off the flames or just paint over them. That's a huge time suck to get the flames painted so IDK currently. I need to get the fenders painted so I can bolt them back on the car. Unfortunately, there is no radiator support on this car so the inner fenders also support the radiator. I did add some pieces that bolt to the frame the support the lower portion of the radiator. Hopefuuly today I can make more head way.