Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
Matt, I agree 100% with Mike. There's nothing wrong with doing things for the experience, and to make them "yours" as opposed to buying a package. I got off base by Dave's comment, asking how much you thought you'd save, and cost was not a consideration in your original post. I like that compact fuse block with the "weather cover" a lot more than the one in my "kit", and with an understanding of basic circuits, relays and conductor sizes there's no reason that your plan won't work. I'd say go for it, and any wire left over will be a starting place for the next project!
Yep, it is nice to be able to say I built it. It's not perfect, plenty of non traditional components were/ are being used on it, but everything was fairly inexpensive and it will be a safe ride.
Next project is arleady thought of. Tho it will probably have to wait a couple years or better, I may build the body for it out of fiberglass with leftover supplies from redoing the boat's decking and transom. Have no clue where I'll store it tho. Probably easier to store 5-10 gallons of resin than it is to store a car body