Awesome, simply awesome.
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Awesome, simply awesome.
Words fail me.
Apart from: That's bloody gorgeous.
'Cos it is.
Really looking nice Bob, stunning work. Congratulations!
Looks about perfect! Great stance, great color, fantastic fit & finish and it sounds good, too! Gonna turn some heads in that one, Bob.
Very nice! Perfect timing for cruising too!
You've got yourself a winner there unc, it was well worth the wait.:D When will we see a vid of you and your bride tooling down that typical western Wa. back country road?;):) I won't miss the rain now that I live in Idaho but there is nothing more beautiful than a western Wa. back road when the sun is out.;):D:D That road looks like it could be near your house.
That is an outstanding example of a '36 (Henry didn't do them that well!)-fantastic workmanship and execution-I am green with envy-
Thanks guys, always nice to get positive feedback.
Jack, as you well know our weather always reverts to it's norm. Kinda nuts for a roadster guy....................... Today stayed very nice until close to 4:00pm when the clouds moved in and the rain began..........if we are to believe the weather weenies we're in for a damp/cloudy month ahead from here on out. But I did make the most of the nice spring weather while it lasted. Got to Greg's place around 10:00am and we went for about a 20 minute spin through the back roads of Monroe near his house/shop. Two lane country roads in this part of the country can be very nice, especially with all the new spring growth popping out. The car performed very well. The ECU continues to "learn" which makes driving quality improve each time, the little suspension niggles have been worked out, and the ride is fantastic. When we built this chassis almost 17 years ago (yeah, this has taken way too long to come to fruition), it was based on one we'd put under a '39 Ford coupe for a buddy of mine. That car rode and handled fantastic, and so does this car, even without the extra rigidity of a solid roof. For a roadster it is almost eerily free of squeaks and rattles (so far anyway). And for you roadster folk, I am very pleased to say that wind buffeting is almost non-existent, even though there are no wind wing windows or side curtains. At least up to the 50+ mph I hit. Maybe at 70 on the highway it will show up, but for now, I'm just tickled. I was so excited to drive it I didn't take time to do more video stuff.......must be the geezer in me. If I don't completely space on it Jack, I'll try to do one for you the first time the brides takes a turn at the wheel in a couple weeks. Now that the mechanicals are sorted there are a few detail items to wrap up. The big ones are a complete final buff to bring up the shine some more, redo the ceramic coating on the passenger header (we had a vacuum leak on that side that fried the coating), and a few mods to the top frame.
Thanks Bob for the update.:) I'm sure we all can't wait to see more pics and the forthcoming video.;):):)
I would be proud to have that car sitting in my driveway! Nice work!!
Very nice Bob just saw this thread
Weather and time have aligned..................puttin' miles on the new/old girl. As you would expect a few small niggles, but nothing that keeps from turnin' the wheels. This is me = :3dSMILE:
Very, very nice! Glad you're getting to get some miles on the clock! We've had four days in May without rain. This is me = :(
this is me = Attachment 63735
So you are the guys who dribbles and drools with his celebratory beer because he can't get the smile off his face right?
Very very nice Uncle Bob and although the wait must of been frustrating the finished project is outstanding.
Bob, are you satisfied with the fuel injection? Beautiful car! Enjoy
For the most part yes, but it still is going to take a little more tuning to be spot on. It starts great, has terrific throttle response, and the fuel economy is okay but not as good as I think it should be (though that wasn't really one of the initial expectations anyway). Yesterday it started doing a little bit of idle surge at start-up which went away with a quick blip of the throttle, so some command is off just a bit probably. I'm not much of a techie guy, so experimentation will be part of the game.
Mine does that too, Bob, and I can hear the idle air controller "sipping" in time with the surge, but a throttle blip generally makes it go away immediately other than on a very cold day when it may have to warm up for a few minutes to settle into a clean idle.
Amazing car, love it!!
Green with envy doesn't even come close, love it.;):3dSMILE::3dSMILE:
I like the fact that the car learns as you use it, pretty cool having these smart hot rods! Usually it's me who has to learn as I go! ;)
I found this picture from the retro rods site posted at the end of the video. Sure is a looker!
Some of the undercarraige shots were excellent too, but don't want to post and steal any thunder from your well deserved project!
Thanks Steve, I didn't know that Greg had posted those up to his site. Rather than move copies here I'll just post the link, he put up full size so a click will enlarge each picture for any who are interested: 1936 ford roadster final touches! | Retro Rods Inc
Certainly something that attracts the eye to those lovely curves on the '36 Ford Roadster. Here is a photo of one I found on the web of another Roadster that drew my eye. Not taking your thunder Bob, but I just adore these cars...Attachment 63745
Never hurts my feelings to see a '36 roadster Mark, I'm a sucker for the lines of them (obviously). Even the similar '35 I find appealing, though the nose (as much of a pita as they are to align) on the '36 is the definition of elegance in this period to my eyes. I will probably never tire of looking at one. For as uncommon as these are, tons of them can be found with a Bing/Google image search. Twenty years ago when I started my search for an original steel starting piece they were very scarce. Today, with the passing of many of those who had possession of them they seem easier to come by.
That includes me too..
Attachment 63746
The '37 is certainly no piece of cake when it comes to aligning the nose either!!!:eek::eek: Before buying my '37 back when I was in college, I looked at a '36 coupe. It would have been cool but I thought I needed a back seat....don't ask me why! LOL!!! I love the 35 thru 40 a lot but '38 not as much. :)
You did some real nice work under there
beautiful work !!
clean and simple looking - it takes a lot to achieve that.
thanks for the photos
Unc Bob, the free rides start when? Are they still free? Nice car, tastefully done.
Well Mikey, maybe when you come up for Deuce Days next year we can take a spin.
Mark, you're right, it does take some effort. When I started the car I pretty much had all of what's seen in my mind. There were certain pieces of hardware and design themes that were fixed from the get go, and a couple that morphed along the way as necessity dictated. I've alluded to a few throughout this thread. The wheels were the first design element, and because of their specifications dictated some of the chassis specs/parts. Others were a matter of knowing what I wanted in the end and just figuring out how to make them work. It helped too to have good sublets; the exhaust for example. The guy who did the bending and routing was a consummate pro who listened to what I wanted, made a couple suggestions of his own based on experience, and then just made it happen. Likewise the decision to ceramic coat the entire system. Most might see it as overkill, and I suppose it is, but it will look just as nice years down the road as it does today. Some might argue reasonably that a full stainless system would have accomplished the same outcome, but for whatever reason I just thought this was the thing to do. As it was with so many of the other choices made. These are custom designed/built cars, why not play with goofy ideas we have?
I have a question, it appears there is a bolt protruding from the old spring mount on the drivers side, what's it for? other than the 40 I think the 36 is one of Henry's finest and yours is downright beautiful.
Unc, already sent in the Deuce Days entry form.....can I park my truck and trailer in front of your house? The 36 is really nice, you taking it across to Deuce Days? You are going to have to move up to clean clothes to drive that car!
Mike, you know I don't own any clean clothes. Does that mean you're offering some of you cast offs? I've never worn designer stuff like that.......
Bruce Jenner is having a garage sale..... he also lost his athletic supporter advertising contract. (Don't ask him if he has "cutoffs" at his garage sale)