Originally posted by Bob Parmenter
While there were a couple years at the beginning of the '70's when there were some great street monsters, after '72 there was nothing but junk with graphic kits on it. Can anyone take a Nova bodied Ventura with GTO decals seriously??? An A bodied Mopar with Roadrunner decals?????:rolleyes:
It was a glorious time!! Acid dipped bodies, aluminum fenders, doors, bumpers, factory cheated altered wheelbases, big engines/little cars, dual four barrels, factory built "sleepers" prowling Woodward Ave, virtually every company, even AMC, getting into the game. Z11, ZL1, Z28, Thunderbolt, GT350, GT500, Mach 1, HP289, G code Galaxies, Max Wedge I, II, & III, A990, HEMI. Go watch two movies Bullit and Smokey and the Bandit. C'mon, really, Mc Queen in the Mustang 2+2 vs the Dodge Charger with real driving skill...................or Reynolds with jump and crash scenes as fake as his hair!!!! Nuff said!!!!
Bob, You rock!:toocool: I especially like the last sentence comparing the movies. I agree, how much better can you get than that Mustang and Charger going at it? many have tried to imitate but have yet to compete. those fart and furious movies rely on tricky camera effects and rediculous stunts to make a chase excting. just the fact that a Mustang and Charger were doing the chasing made it exciting to watch.