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03-05-2010 05:06 PM #1
47 Plymouth 3 door special deluxe...
1947 Plymouth Special Deluxe
3" Taper Chop
Rear driver side passanger door closed off
door post opens with rear door on curb side
front doors lengthened 6"
rear doors narrowed 6"
40 ford peak added to roof
fenders welded in
new rear tubs and trunk in place
Plymouth Valarie clip
Plymouth 318 V8
Jag rear end
Z'ed frame
Much Much more... the car is stilla project car and needs to be finished. Needs all class except the rear window we have that. The boy found Jeeps and is off in another direction. All the hard stuff is done Asking $9000.00 Located in San Diego Great project for someone to to finish and drive. No serious rust... Just surface rust. If interested contact Robert @ for more info. thanks, but no trades. is Opportunity!
I'll stick with my little 4.7 04 Dakota
Ahhhh... The little things