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Thread: Pro Painters-What paint brands and why?

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  1. #5
    Firechicken's Avatar
    Firechicken is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    University Place
    Car Year, Make, Model: 55 Chevy Cameo, 68 Pontiac Firebird

    I am absolutely NOT a pro painter, in fact I don't know that I even qualify as a beginner as I have only ever shot one vehicle and that is my '55. It has been so long (over 15 years ago now) since I shot it that I don't remember for sure what brands I used.

    All of that being said, a couple things that I absolutely learned during the process was that prep, prep and more prep will make you much happier with the outcome. Also, if you are shooting a dark color (as I did on my '55) make sure that you have more than enough lighting! I found that I never really had a problem with runs shooting the etching and filler primers, but once I was shooting the base coat, (Dark Metallic Blue) it is really hard to detect runs in the paint until it was too late. Shooting the clear seemed to be about as bad and probably would have been worse had I not learned this lesson after shooting the base coat.

    Anyway, sorry for Hi-jacking the thread. I appreciate the info provided by you guys on this toppic because I am approaching that stage on the Firebird, and will probably re-painting the '55 in the near future as well.

    Last edited by Firechicken; 10-25-2006 at 12:55 PM.
    Sometimes NOW are the "good old days"...

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