It's not my car, but the owner hasn't complained yet. Any flat finish will have some compromises involved, but this one is about as good as it's going to get.
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It's not my car, but the owner hasn't complained yet. Any flat finish will have some compromises involved, but this one is about as good as it's going to get.
I've used several flat blacks/ low gloss blacks in the past and they all show finger prints and water marks. Then again so do most dark colors reguardless of the gloss. If you are interested check out the pics of my newly painted car in the gallery. Is that what you are looking for?
My dad still works on the u2, i can see if he can get me some paint, also i thought most of the f-117`s radar reducing ability was the triangle shapes, causing smaller surface areas to break up and disguise its size
the flat black should help on laser reflectance
to lower the range they could pick u up.
read a car craft article ~1977 with great interest.
seems cross sectional frontal area being the biggest issue.
semi- reflects enough radar to be picked up ~ 1/4 mile
honda civic- radar range ~200 ft
corvette (tilted radiators)- Radar range ~ 170 ft
they recommended to tilt a/c condensers up ~15 degrees
to reflect radar up, not back at the receiver, to cut radar "range"
don't forget the license plates too (tilt)
not much u can do about those
metalized headlight reflectors though
Then there is all the glass a flat screen like on a rod would bounce everything right back to the radar reciever. Tilted glass like on a vette would bounce most but not all reflected beams straight up. Then there is the construction material fibreglass absorbs more microwaves than it reflects as opposed to metal. Carbon fibre does a pretty good job of practically muffling most microwave emissions.
1. most glass isn't vertical/ perpendicular to the sender
2. radar goes through glass, hence the fine screen
in your kitchen microwave's glass door
3. any paint/gelcoat containing black iron oxide or
red iron oxide on fiberglass would bounce radar
back just as much as steel would
Any thickness glass ? And you say fibreglass has iron in it:confused:
where did anyone say fiberglass has iron in it?
You did oh okay then iron oxide then.
iron oxide in paint ON fiberglass, duH
Ah so ???? How much do you know about paint and fibreglass :p
paint chemist 1 1/2 years
degree in chemistry
hand built my body for my street indycar
:D I bow to superior knowledge, I can't even paint to save my life:rolleyes: I just stick to my spanners.... Mechanic for to long...:D