350 short block
350 two bolt GM roller block. engine has been hot tank check for cracks . nice block .iron gm crank rods. 010 main 010.fresh 030 over bore with torque plates and plateau honed. block has blue printed decks with BHJ tru-deck. gm O rods with ARP bolts. rods stress relieved rebuilt balanced. all machine work fresh . new parts list . brass freeze plugs. clevite rods.mains.bearings. dur bond cam bearings . TRW forged flat top .hasting moly rings.ARProd bolts .$1200 .for short block. machine /assembly work done by me
Wow sounds like a good buy for one of them chevy guys.
I look under the hood of my suberban and shake my head.
What no distributor and take it over to the shop.
I guess I am way old school, Man I feel old now.
Does the motor your selling have a distributor?
What year is it, Pat
yep its a 1990 year block before vteck just like the older chevys just one pc rear seal and set up from gm for hyd rollers
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i still have this engine she needs a new home. very nice engine will get it set to go for shipping and will let it go 1100.