69 427
ok so my dad passed away 2 years ago, he left a 427 that he set up to race, it supposedly came out of a vette? ran the numbers it is a 69 427 he dumped $7000.00 into it, it has 650 hp 605 ft lbs, trying to sell it because we have no use of it.... asking 5600? obo
you will have a very hard time selling it for 5600. less it a stock numbers matching hard to find 427. still may take a very long time to move. you will have to know what parts are in the engine to get any coin for it . or pull the engine apart and sell it
If you can better describe it, its mods, and list the casting numbers along with date codes--also is the numbers still on the front edge of the block deck???A bit of info about the vett it was in might better describe it for the vett restorer crowd--If its anything orignial I'll pass the info along to Nickey Chev as he does big business with the rare $$$ crowd
If all orignal factory parts , the accessories could be very valuable--pulleys, dist, starter, carb/carbs , manifold, exhaust headers