Thread: 429 block, heads, crank, etc.
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04-19-2019 09:25 AM #1
429 block, heads, crank, etc.
I have a 429 engine that has been completely tore down and had the block bored .30, new casting plugs, freeze plugs and standard cam bearings, heads milled to flatten and cleaned and checked for cracks. crankshaft checked and miked (standard), and have all the other guts. no carb or distributor. don't know how to put pictures on here or I would, but will answer any questions, by phone if you like, email me and I will call you or I will email you my phone number. some info you may want, D1VE-AA BLOCK,D2VE-AA HEADS,4UA CRANK, 2-BOLT MAIN. asking $1000
04-19-2019 09:16 PM #2
Worst heads that Henry ever bolted to a motor. Detonation-prone, 1 year only. Chamber changed to a different design in 1973.
.Last edited by techinspector1; 04-20-2019 at 11:30 AM.
04-22-2019 07:10 AM #3
are you saying that these heads are not a good pair of heads? just curious.
04-22-2019 08:41 PM #4
I'm sorry to have to bust your bubble, but yes, the 1972 D2VE-AA heads are the worst possible heads that you could bolt onto a Lima motor (429/460). (FoMoCo made them one year only, because they were so horrible).
04-23-2019 06:04 AM #5
The biggest problem with those heads was that Ford retarded the cams 8* and killed off bottom end torque plus then the lower compression for unleaded fuel SMOG daysBy popular opinions-just a grumpy old man key board bully--But really, if you are going to ask for help on an internet site, at least answer questions about what you are asking about-----
04-23-2019 07:08 AM #6
I've been told that FoMoCo had to drop the static compression ratio down into the high 7's to prevent the motor from detonating with these heads on pump gas. As I understand it, there was no provision for squish/quench. And Jerry, you're right about the 8 degree retard on the cam. I have advised rodders for years to swap over to the 1968/1969 429 timing set to advance the cam on any Lima motor 1972 and later. I remember one fellow several years ago who complained of no power in his 460 pickup truck. I suggested the early 429 timing set and he wrote back that the truck would now burn the tires off it.
.Last edited by techinspector1; 04-23-2019 at 07:13 AM.
04-23-2019 03:50 PM #7
Back in the day-------I had Elgin make me lower gears with 7 keyways so I could degree cam just like on the Donovan gear drive covers-----
Inthe early smog days there were an average of 40 some parts on Ford V8s to try to make the tail pipe smell nice---------By popular opinions-just a grumpy old man key board bully--But really, if you are going to ask for help on an internet site, at least answer questions about what you are asking about-----
I wore a camouflage T-shirt once. The response in the pub was "Oooh, it's a floating head!" .
the Official CHR joke page duel