Mustang Parts
I am selling a bunch of 65 Mustang parts.
Some are used,some are brand new...I've just decided not to use.
If you are interested,let me know what you need.
I will check me inventory,LOL
I haven't had a chance to make a list,sorry.
How about a 5 bolt bellhousing for a 289?????
Sorry I don't have that.
I may know someone who does,I will check if you want!
Here's a quick partial list:
If you don't see what you need,please ask...
I do have original 289 heads and intake(2bbl)They are 66.
Original air cleaner
A complete 3 speed tranny,with shifter and yoke.
A pair of Tri-Y nickel plated headers-Brand new,never used
brake drums,shoes
2 fenders
1 hood
a dash
a BN GT dash bezel and lens
2 Black bucket seats,driver side frame is broken,no tracks and a rip in the seam.
What do you think you want for the headers and the GT dash bezel. I may be interested. Also, where in New York are you from? I am from Hyde Park. Could you email me at WyldHog77@optonline.net, as I dont always check back at the forum. If you could also include any other parts you have. Thank you in advance
Jazzstorm; Is the an auto matic trany or Manual three speed.
Because I had a mexican style Manual three speed.
Good trany but the car pulled so hard that it twisted the Unibody
and would'nt go into second.So I ended up going to a auto matic trany. Good trany though it never broke.
~ Vegas ~
It's the manual 3-speed.
It worked great,I never had a problem!
The only reason I changed is because I upped my Hp and went with a top loader.:3dSMILE:
wouldn't happen to have from the gaspedal to carbuerator linkage for a 289?