Looking for a slant 6 + tranny. Preferably a 225 after 1978. tranny I can work with. If you have a valiant sans body I may be interested in the rest of the running gear as well. Thanks.
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Looking for a slant 6 + tranny. Preferably a 225 after 1978. tranny I can work with. If you have a valiant sans body I may be interested in the rest of the running gear as well. Thanks.
i have a friend that i give a 75 dodge dart it needed a elec.box to run right but it did run great when it did. it had less than 75000 miles on it. his # is 402-786-2888 (roger) dont know if he still has it. call him if your are interested. good luck. oh yea it about 3 miles outside of lincoln ne.
Look in the for sale forum here....... http://www.slantsix.org/
mm64 :cool:
are you in moorehead minn. i have one sitting in mayville N.DQuote:
Originally posted by kustom_oz
Looking for a slant 6 + tranny. Preferably a 225 after 1978. tranny I can work with. If you have a valiant sans body I may be interested in the rest of the running gear as well. Thanks.
Yeah, I live in moorhead, mn. What else can you tell me about it? tranny? price? thanks for the info.
it runs and drives 4 door with a automatic its got a/c 250.00
What year is it? is it a 225? two barrel or one? thanks again
$50.00 225 1 bbl or a two bbl manifold auto trany . Email me and i'll give you my phone number. Its a 75 with less then 70 thousand miles and thats $50.00 for motor and trany. Dlyman2@neb.rr.com
A slant6? go fig. Hey, diddnt they offer a Hemi slant 6 in Australlia or New Zeland? Maybe you should try an international forum;)
bought one from gasser t. thanks anyways guys.