
Do I understand that you want to put two two-barrel carburetors on your engine? I'm not aware of a manifold like that, but /6 intakes for two single barrels were made at one time. Even J.C. Whitney offered them. If that interests you, ask around. Somebody may have one laying under the workbench and occasionally wondering "what should I do with that?"

Take a look at the "Mopar Chat" website <>. They have a slant six forum and also a parts for sale section.

If you're thinking of a single two-barrel to replace the one-barrel you have, Jason is right. Factory two barrel manifolds were produced for your engine and should be available, but you might have to do some sniffing around to find one.

Converting your present intake to accept a two-barrel is a simple modification. I did a couple myself. If you are interested in going that route, send me a PM with a mailing address and I'll send you some instructions and a picture or two of one of them.

Also, you might take a look at a thread started by "joker51" early this year, <> There is some pretty detailed slant six information there.
