74 Nova Bumpers needed
Just found this site, it is great. I just got a 74 Nova and can't find replacement bumpers anywhere. They changed in 74 from what I have been told, and seems no one carries past 73. Where can I get them? Also need what I thought was the rear frame that runs from side to side but have been told is really the body mount. Any help would be great. Tim tlcmbc@msn.com
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Unless you really want original or like that style bumper, mount a set of 68-72 on it. Looks a lot better in my opinion.
I was told that the bumper mounting was different on the 74's. I have no problem with the 73's if they will fit. What do I have to do to make them work? Tim
I beleive that they are the same bumpers, I know in either 73 or 74 they went to the impact style bumper mounts but I think that a 73 will work on your 74, Unless you are referring to the rear bumper.
I am sorry, I meant to say the 72's are different. I think I would have have to change the mounting brackets, which leads to another question. The rear frame or what ever it is called is rusted pretty bad and will need to be replaced before I could mount the brackets. Where can I find this part? Thanks, Tim
I have seen replacement rear frame rails but Im not for sure as to where they are at. Here are a few places to try, Year One, Classic Industries, J&W Nova, Chevy2only, The Paddock and maybe Goodmark Industries. As for the 72 bumpers being different from the 74's, yep they are. In order to use a 72 on the front of a 74, you will need to find a set of 72 bumper brackets, other than that its a pretty easy transition, now in the rear thats a whole other ballgame. The 72 rear bumper has the cut out for the gas filler neck which is located behind the license plate, the 74's are a different seteup alltogether, if you wanted to change your 74 rear bumper to a 72, you will need to replace the tail panel with a 72 tail panel.
I've seen TV shows where you buy the material and refab the bad spots.
How much is rusted, before you get to the good metal?
Both ends are almost gone and there are holes in other spots. The whole thing seems pretty weak.
These are light weight racing rails.
But I know I've seen them in one of the major repro catalogs.
Like Year One, Classic Industries, The Paddock etc.
I looked at all the sites Sharpshooter mentioned and can't find them. Are there any salvage yards that specialize in Novas? By the way if you want to see my car check out Ebay item 220034011589 I paid 5500.00 did I pay too much or did I do allright? Like I said it needs bumpers and the interior is not quite done and she sure is pretty.
all in the eye of the beholder, it looks nice though man.
Sorry to ask, but do the bumpers from a 68-72 Nova fit on the 73-74 Novas? I love the look of the older ones so much more, and the only sore looking thing about my car is the bumpers (especially that line of rubber the runs the whole length of the bumper). They're probably a bit lighter, too.
Try year one.com they can help you.