what are you looking for, in the line of performance?. getting the look is easy but expensive, as heads and intakes are still produced, you could get an offy intake and Edelbrock heads, probably the cheapest way to a nice looking flathead. www.speedwaymotors.com sells those parts, but be prepared to pay $$$ for them. problem with the flathead is they are prone to cracking and bad cooling carecteristics, so finding a good 1 is hard, you may go thru 3 or more blocks b4 you find a fixable block. you have to have them magnafluxed to check for cracks and that's $$$. they are awsome engines, they look great, sound awsome and will catch anybody's eye but there just so expensive to build. this is why I suggested the Buick Nailhead, still considered a nostalgia engine, can have the look of the '60's with finned aluminum valve covers, 6 stromberg carbs ect... yet finding a running engine in good shape is a lot easier. I come across a lot of Riveria's with 401's and 425's for 1k or less.