New to the site and first time listing. I am looking for a cammer engine for my Galaxie. Any help would be appreciated.
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New to the site and first time listing. I am looking for a cammer engine for my Galaxie. Any help would be appreciated.
Neil, I don't want to rain on your parade, but lotsa luck on that one. I've been trying to get one since 65.
Check with Jack Christman's Garage in Santa Ana. They ran them back in the day and have been active in race car restorations. Also, maybe run an ad in Good Guys Magazine. Just an idea.
What was it that last one on Ebay brought, something like $ 30,000.00 ?
good luck man.... if you can find one its gonna be very expensive... and then to rebuild it even worse.... it'd probably be cheaper to convert to a blown 5.4 DOHC
Do you want a complete oem engine or build something new? Tons of new cammers parts are out there with more on the way. So there are some options. Check www.fordfe.com a guy named RWJ posted some pics of his new cammer heads from Dove. They have some issues in true Dove fashion. There are more parts coming from aussie land that look very nice!! I belevie Rick Toombs is the cat importing those and he's on that forum also. Get that checkbook ready and keep a spare box of checks close by. You'll need em.
Shoot , Man he is in santa barbara he can afford 2 cammers!!:LOL: