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Thread: Trade Laptop for SBC Heads

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  1. #1
    racer1979's Avatar
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    Trade Laptop for SBC Heads


    Hello all, I am looking to trade this laptop for a set of small block chevy 2.02/1.60 heads to fit my 79 350 Camaro need to have screw in studs and guideplates.

    Specs of Laptop are.
    IBM Thinkpad Model: 2366-KU1: Pentium 4-M 2.0GHz, 256MB RAM, 40.0GB HDD, 14.1 XGA(1024x768) TFT LCD, 8x8x24x/8x CDRW/DVD, Modem(CDC), Ethernet(LOM), Li-Ion battery, Windows XP Pro. and carry bag
    This laptop is in Brand New Condition and all up to date with the latest XP Patches. Pics on request.

    Please email me or answer in forum, all trades cosidered,
    Thank you, Paul

  2. #2
    poncho62's Avatar
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    What truck did it fall off of?

  3. #3
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    I have 2 centris 650's a quadra 650 and a 180 c Laptop
    and also a multi camm 44 CNC machine
    and ....... a stack of old software With original boxes and documentation i might add
    A weber grill
    Oh Oh and an Allen Datagraph 30'' vinyl cutter
    You get the whole kit N' kabootle for the low low price of (2) 2nd gen quarter panels -----OR------- $1,000.00 cash YOUR CHOICE.

    Would consider a trade for a pair of tickets to a Bahamas sometime in February
    "PLAN" your life like you will live to 120.
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  4. #4
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    Originally posted by pro70z28
    I have 2 centris 650's a quadra 650 and a 180 c Laptop
    and also a multi camm 44 CNC machine
    and ....... a stack of old software With original boxes and documentation i might add
    A weber grill
    Oh Oh and an Allen Datagraph 30'' vinyl cutter
    You get the whole kit N' kabootle for the low low price of (2) 2nd gen quarter panels -----OR------- $1,000.00 cash YOUR CHOICE.

    Would consider a trade for a pair of tickets to a Bahamas sometime in February
    Throw in the camaro , and I will trade you my Beach Front Property here in Kansas !

  5. #5
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    Originally posted by SprayTech
    Throw in the camaro , and I will trade you my Beach Front Property here in Kansas !
    I'd like to, but the "Z" iz' bolted to the floor and wouldn't ya' know it I missplaced ALL my couterclockwise toolz'
    "PLAN" your life like you will live to 120.
    "LIVE" your life like you could die tomorrow.

    John 3:16

  6. #6
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Streets
    'Ow 'bout two 1st class train tickets to the Bahamas and ya kin ride in the engine and blow the whistle too??
    Ya' mean I get ta' blow bubbles?????
    "PLAN" your life like you will live to 120.
    "LIVE" your life like you could die tomorrow.

    John 3:16

  7. #7
    racer1979's Avatar
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    You guys never heard of bartering!!! Come on

  8. #8
    Matt167's Avatar
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    Originally posted by racer1979
    You guys never heard of bartering!!! Come on
    Trading a laptop for a set of heads is kinda awkward but bartering is cool but, just a word of advice, your computer is worth about 1,200- 1,500 depending on how much you paid for it and, a really good set of new heads only run about 1,000-1,500 approx so, you would take a loss.
    You don't know what you've got til it's gone

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  9. #9
    racer1979's Avatar
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    Thank you for the advise, I do appreciate it. I am just looking for a quick way to get a set of heads without putting an ad in the paper and dealing with all the people calling ,etc. Thanks, Paul

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