Great going Larry! Congratulations. You're waaayy ahead of meee! Perley
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Great going Larry! Congratulations. You're waaayy ahead of meee! Perley
Whooohoo congrat Larry! It's a great feeling,huh!:D
Congratulations! Always great to hear one fire up for the first time... Just wait 'til you drive it around the block for the first time! Heh, heh.
You're ahead of me now; I've been stalled on my roadster since last summer because of home improvement projects...
:LOL:Its like that feeling when your first child was born, Now what do i do:confused::LOL:
Pulled the cam and lifters yesterday. :eek: Not so good. Cam is worn out and all the lifters but one are dished really back. Good new I was planning on replacing both anyway. Will do a freshen up on the vavles while I have it apart too. Got the tops of the pistons and blocked cleaned also.
Piston tops look good; looks like there weren't any detonation problems. I saw you had it running; that's great! Did you take it down the road yet?
I only wish.....LOL No, its a long ways from that yet.
I just wanted to get the motor running to see if I was going have to rebuild it or just do a cam change. The bottom end sounds good and the piston walls show no wear to be worried over. So a valve job and cam kits is in store for the near future. Still got to run the brake lines, wiring...etc.
Then blow it back apart and get some paint on it. Got to be inspected for vin and title also.
Tons to do.
Yeah, I guess brake lines would be nice for the maiden voyage.
:LOL: Great mind do think alike. :D
Too late to play Fred Flintstone, already got the floors in now dang it...:3dSMILE:
Gee, all them OEM parts worn out like that, now you'll probably end up with a bunch of go-fast goodies.....What fun is that????**):LOL::LOL:
yeah, shame aint it..hehehehe
Goin to build her back stock. Cost too much to play fast lane. Someone told me to put in a truck cam for a little thump. Anyone else ever hear that?
No, but I used to buy cam kits from PAW. They had quite a few for inline sixes and other oddball engines. They were really reasonable; about $100 for cam and lifters. I always had good luck with them; I think SSI was the brand name?
falconvan Thanks for the tip about PAW.
I checked their prices and have to admit they arent bad. A friend found a stock cam and lifters for 90 bucks at NAPA. He can get it through his tech school discount. Think I am going that route. Now got to save a few bucks.
Thanks again.
No problem! 10 bux is 10 bux; you can get a pair of fuzzy dice and a decent cruzin meal at White Castle with it!:D
Can you say new cam bearings too.:3dSMILE: