I want to start my first rod, but I no idea what kind of frame to use. I have read in magizines about some builders using s10 frames. I would just like to know more about this. Any suggestions would be helpful.
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I want to start my first rod, but I no idea what kind of frame to use. I have read in magizines about some builders using s10 frames. I would just like to know more about this. Any suggestions would be helpful.
First you need to decide what you are building. If this is your first build of any kind start of slow and easyand get a complete car and and modify it from there. Gonna need more info on what you want first.
i built my truck on a modified s-10 frame check my 47 ford truck post for some pics
well i wanted to start with a model a. i found a couple near me and i was looking to buy a body but didnt know about the frame.
I wanted to try a ford model A. Found some bodies near me, just didnt know anyhting about the frames.
A Model A just doesn't fit right on an S-10....seen it done and they look atrocious.... Model A's fit best on an A frame, or a modified Deuce frame....but not an S-10....
yeah thats what ive been told. I just dont know where i could find a frame. can i order them or do u suggest building one of my own?
Dave is right, leave S10 frames for S10's. You are kinda going at it backwards. Decide on the body first and buy that, then start mocking it up the way you want it to sit and design a rectangular tube frame to make that work.
The very best way to do it is to have your body, engine, transmission, front axle assembly and wheels and tires BEFORE you start thinking about your frame. Then build a mockup frame from 2 x 4 lumber to simulate what the steel frame will look like. When it looks good build the real one out of steel to the same dimensions.
Thanks that makes sense. Glad you guys helped.
May I suggest Ed at New Age Motorsports.
Pretty good to deal with.
Build your own frame,
Here's a few sites that have FREE plans
How to align a frame, install bodies & fenders & other information
including Model A Frame dimensions,
I like this site because it shows where all the body mounts go and holes
for motor mounts and brackets on original frames.
Build a frame with a frame jig/table
S-10 FRONT CLIP HOW ITS DONE/ will work on all most all frames
Good Luck
yeah any suggestions are great.
The Samari frame has been used alot lately for hotrods. Seems someone tried it and it worked well being it has a z'd frame look already built in from the factory. You might want to look in on that at your local bone yard.
Good luck with your build.
Car Co in Columbus Ohio builds one of the nicest Model A frames around.
Forget the s10 unless you are going to put a truck on it. I started with that in mind and it just keep getting uglyer so I finally gave up and went to a tbucket . There is several companys around that builds model a frames and bodies. www.spiritcars.com www.speedwaymotors.com
Spirit Industries---Prices cheapest to most expensive
1927 T Frame for a Chevy Small Block with a 350 Transmission---Price: $500.00
1932 Perimeter Frame---Price: $1995.00
Speedway Motors---Prices cheapest to most expensive
Traditional T Frame with Front and Rear Spring Perch---Price:$499.99
MODEL A FRAME ASSEMBLY---Price:$1,999.99
Ron Pope Motorsports
Call RON and tell him what it is you want---(865) 932-7541
T Bucket Frames---Starting at just $299
EBAY---Prices cheapest to most expensive
Rat Rod Hot Rod Chassis Kit---US $6,200.00
rolling T-Rat chassis
If you buy a frame already build let's hope you don't want to z the frame or use a mustang II front end. Your options are limited to what you have then.Heck you might as well buy someone else's project and ripe that body off,to use your body.
Just my 2 cents.
wish i more tech savvy. Going to try to mock up this frame by myself.
thanx for the links. I did want to z the frame, so i trying to build my own. I taking things one step at a time. Im just looking up what i need and seeing how other people go about it. thanks for all your help.
this is a good post. and a real downer as I have a few S10 frames kicking around. I'd rather get this info now rather than later.